Warning the people of God about the mark of the beast/Bombshell Revelation about menopause!

6 months ago




https://www.bitchute.com/video/vtddjyLVyyM5/ Swab test are mark of the beast. PCRfraud.com



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwcXwXV0UIw Fema will use pastors to bring the people into submission.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHNPAECkyuw RFID chip is MOTB.

https://youtu.be/KQxiYU1y2AI?si=__PKz44qklqslP9- A Real Cruel Crime Against All Women!!!

https://youtu.be/Cgo2mD4Pc54?si=HK4t_iIcpYDJCJzG The Medical Industry are wrong about menopause. This is the bombshell Revelation. A Must Watch!

https://youtu.be/-pM1jZV_a0o?si=Nq3uw3F2K_ips9bd Gut health is very important.

Remember the mark of the beast is multifaceted. Is not just one thing. Is any technology in the body, which transitions us into a cyborg or a hybrid, changing our DNA and uniting us to the AI cloud where they use to control and track us. We must resist unto death!
RFID chip, covid and any vaccine because they are now using MRNA on all of them, swab tests, quantum tatoos, bluetooth, etc. The medical industry is the army of the Antichrist. Beware, do not trust them. Do not trust the government, or the red cross, do not donate blood to the red cross, they are putting technology inside you when withdrawing blood and God knows what they really are doing with your blood? We are dealing with wicked and satanic people.

https://biblehub.com/revelation/16-2.htm Monkey pox/boils on the skin.



Thank you for all your support, may God multiply it. Blessings!

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