Wait, Are They HIDING Him?! Biden Tells Reporters Secret Service Doesn't Let Him Go Out Anymore

6 months ago

Posted • September 3, 2024: So … this is a little disconcerting. Don't get us wrong, we don't necessarily miss Joe Biden (although if we're being completely honest, he was truly the Twitchy gift that kept on giving) but this doesn't seem right. True, Biden has said a lot of things that aren't true like how his Uncle Bootsie was eaten by cannibals but this is strange. He's the president. How are crowds suddenly too dangerous for him?

Reporter: "How was the campaign trail… How do you feel about Pennsylvania?

Biden: "I'm not able to go out in the crowds anymore. The Secret Service doesn't let me."

Reporter: "Why not?"

Biden: "They say it's too dangerous."

Just seems weird, right? Since he is no longer the candidate, they have stopped giving him his medicine. It would be embarrassing for the Secret Service to have to issue a silver alert. To dangerous for Kamala’s polling?? Ding ding ding. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Wait, Are They HIDING Him?! Biden Tells Reporters Secret Service Doesn't Let Him Go Out Anymore

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