Affirming The Lordship of Christ; Luke 17:7-10

5 months ago

Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 9/1/2024. As Jesus wraps up a short section of integrated instructions for His disciples on how to shepherd His flock, He turns His attention to the concept of radical servanthood. Some people find Jesus' words in this section offensive, while others find them abrupt and caustic. At the very least they prove to be confusing. For that reason, it will be necessary for us to try and forget our modern sensitivities to the master/slave paradigm and view the relationship from an ancient Middle Eastern perspective. When we acquaint ourselves with this cultural relationship, and the words Jesus uses to describe it, we will realize He is making a crystal clear (and indeed stunning) statement of His own sovereign Lordship over the lives of each of His disciples-- both those who are standing in His presence when He speaks them, and those of us who are following in their footsteps 2000 years later. Ultimately we will realize how badly false teaching concerning this issue has devastated the church and therefore individually and corporately affirm the Lordship of Christ.

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