Biblical Baptism: Just Confess, Believe, & Call Upon The Name of the Lord To Be Saved?

6 months ago

Many have grossly underestimated the power of biblically confessing, believing, and calling upon the name of the Lord.

And many have not truly done these thinking that "salvation" is acquired by some mental acknowledgement of Jesus or "sinner's prayer".

Listen to this video to find out what the Scriptures actually teach about confessing, believing, and calling upon the name of the Lord.

You may be very surprised to discover what it is connected to.

Romans 10.9-13
Isaiah 28.16
Joel 2.28-32
Acts 2.38
Luke 6.46
1 Corinthians 12.3
Matthew 10.22
Matthew 24.13
Mark 16.16
John 10.9
Acts 2.21
Acts 15.11
Romans 5.9-10
1 Corinthians 3.15
Acts 16.25-34
Acts 8.26-40
Acts 8.12

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