15 Survival Uses For Baking Soda

18 days ago

Discover 15 incredible survival uses for baking soda that could make all the difference in an emergency situation. From fire extinguishing to water purification, this versatile household item proves its worth as a must-have in any survival kit. Learn how to leverage baking soda for hygiene, first aid, and more in this quick, informative video short.

Sensible Prepper - https://youtu.be/8xDgrkYcSsw?si=o4i195zlMI_uwdJR

The above list is just a few of the many great ideas from the Sensible Prepper's YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/@SensiblePrepper

#SurvivalHacks #BakingSoda #EmergencyPreparedness #SurvivalTips #Prepping #LifeHacks #SurvivalSkills #DIYSurvival #SurvivalGear #EmergencyKit #SelfReliance

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