dotpaw podcast - Science research fakes, or scientific fraud.

5 months ago

Science research fakes, or scientific fraud, involve the manipulation, fabrication, or falsification of research data, methods, or findings. This unethical behavior undermines the integrity of scientific research and can have severe consequences. Here are some common types and notable examples:

### Types of Scientific Fraud

1. **Fabrication**: Making up data or results.
2. **Falsification**: Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing data or results.
3. **Plagiarism**: Using the ideas, processes, results, or words of another person without giving appropriate credit.
4. **Improper Authorship**: Listing individuals as authors who did not contribute significantly to the research.
5. **Duplicate Publication**: Publishing the same research in multiple journals.
6. **Peer Review Manipulation**: Interfering with the peer review process to favor certain results or authors.

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