BGMCTV MESSIANIC LESSON E318-Parash-48-Shoftim-D-varim-Deut-16-18-21-9

5 months ago

E318 Parash 48 Shoftim D’varim (Deut) 16:18-21:9

Deu 18:9 "When you enter the land YEHOVAH your God is giving you, you are not to learn how to follow the abominable practices of those nations.

One of the main purposes of the bible is separation. Separation from the world and its sinful nature. The Torah gives us perfect instructions on how to accomplish this wonderful goal. One of these ordained laws is found in D’varim 18:9, don’t follow the abominable, disgusting, abhorrent practice of the pagans. Don’t learn them. Don’t ask about them. Don’t desire to be with the people who practice those disgusting things. In this lesson E318 Parash 048, we will learn what the Never changing King of all creation said these practices are.

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