According to Islam, Ethiopians Will Destroy The Demonic Black Stone, Ka'aba

6 months ago

👹 Now, you can clearly see the spawn around the demon summoning stone of the Kaaba, the Black Stone – which is the most venerated stone on the face of the earth.

👉 Interesting fact:
According to the Islamic Hadith, Muhammed saw a vision (a nightmare) where a bald, Ethiopian person with thin legs would pull the blocks from the Ka'aba one by one and destroy it:

“AbduAllah ibn Amr said I heard the Prophet.... say: " Zul-Suwayqatayn from Al-Habasha ( Abyssinia or Ethiopia) will destroy the Ka'ba and steal its treasure and Kiswah (cover). It is as if I could see him now: he is bald-headed and has a distortion in his wrists. He will strike the Ka'ba with his spade and pick-axe." (Musnad Ahmad)

Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Prophet...said: "It is as if I can see him now: he is Black and his legs are widely spaced (bow-legged). He will destroy the Ka'bah stone by stone." (Musnad Ahmad)”

I've disappoint you; a country, called Saudi Arabia doesn't exist – then, it was founded in 1932 by 'Lawrence of Arabia' (The British). Arabia or Saudi Arabia belongs to Sabaeans and Ethiopians.

😈 No, wonder the pagan Saudi Barbarians are now massacring Ethiopian Christian children – like Pharaoh and Herod who ordered the slaughter of Israelite male children. They think they could protect the Black Stone by killing the flesh.

Well, one of these slaughtered Ethiopians will go to Mecca in the form of a spirit/ wind and destroy that Black Stone of idolatry one by one, thus the Ethiopians who helped to spread the epidemic of evil Islam all over the world then will destroy Islam from the face of the earth now. No satanic power can stop this!

😈 An Ethiopian Muslim Trying to Burn The BLACK STONE, IDOL of ISLAM in Mecca

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