Awareness of the Programming - Day 3

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Awareness of the Programming - Day 3

Awareness is the key to change

When we bring awareness to our behaviours we start to see how deep the programming goes. We do things without even thinking. We spend the majority of our day Unconscious. Many of our actions are saved in our hard drive of the body.

The mind sets the body and the body does anything for the mind. Even though the body knows the truth, it will always favour the mind and that is why there is conflict between what we think and what is the truth and the body lets us know.

Any form of Uncomfort or resistance is from the ego (the Mind)

The main role of the body is to always seek and achieve perfect balance. Homeostasis. This is why we heal most when we are sleeping, because the mind is out the way.

If we continue to repeat our actions, thoughts and words eventually the body will communicate with the mind and remember, the commands downloads into the subconscious and these actions becomes automatic.

To disrupt this repeated behaviour, we must bring awareness and shine the light to awaken to the truth.

Remember today is all about bringing awareness and we can do this by looking at the things we do day to day.

Notice how automated these behaviours are and pay attention to your reactions of noticing them

5 things to bring our focus too

Go through one day and use your opposite hand to perform basic actions like brushing teeth, drinking out of a cup and picking up items.

For one day, change the password on your phone. Notice how automated your actions have become when unlocking the phone. How many times throughout the day do you automatically start typing the original password?

Move the bin in your kitchen - Very simple task and one that has you reminding yourself that the location has changed

Silence is the soul - Go through the day and pay attention to the sounds of your movements, actions, breathing and walking.

What did you notice?

Mirror work - Throughout The Expansion, every time you glance at your self in the mirror, look through the eyes of your soul back at your self and give yourself either a complement, a thank you, some appreciation or a I love you

When you notice your soul, your body ignites and your energy hightens

When we notice the automation during our every day tasks, we can then see how much in our life we have to bring awareness too. Remembering who we truly are

Let us know what comes up for you?

Join me Live 2.30pm UK/9.30am ET/6.30am PT


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