27 years on - Princess Diana Messages & Meditation

5 months ago

Diana's messages 27 year on from her death on 31st August 1997 - including her concern for the 'everyday people', a call to come together as a community, one family and one world, and be there for each other once more.
Shares a vision of a new era wanting to arrive after we let go of our old identities.
Also a talk on healing the betrayal wound between sisters. Diana owns her own shame at past actions towards a few women and asks for forgiveness, By doing so she encourages others to also own past actions so that sisterhood can be birthed anew without scars of the past.
Successful handling (or not) of those with high Venusian energy and its pitfalls, facing consequences and taking accountability for our actions.
Diana at Althorp and her spirit when it visits - and who knows when she does.
Message regards Charles and the future of a new monarchy
Beacons of light awakening gridlines across the world and the St Michaels line as new energy rushes in - interesting fact I discovered after filming and mentioning Newfoundland - Newfoundland was England's first overseas colony under Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I, thus officially establishing a forerunner to the much later British Empire. Is this a sign not of a new Empire - but a new coalition of Camelot awakening across many countries?!
51:10 Meditation into the healing garden to receive blessings and grace with Diana
@AmandaEllis #channelling #princessdiana #heartsquad

Queen of Hearts England's Rose Memories & Remembrance Aura Spray:

Previous Princess Diana Videos with me on this playlist:

Paul Young Love of the Common People

Oracle decks:
Arthurian Tarot by Caitlin and John Matthews, Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle Cheryl Yambrach Rose

The Fragrant Heavens book by Valerie Worwood

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

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Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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