PBD Destroys His Reputation - Will He Wake Up?

6 months ago

PBD Destroys His Reputation - Will He Wake Up?
Patrick showed so much dishonesty in the past months, it’s sickening & I’m surprised he still has fans.
He does Bait and Switch. He baited Muslims into thinking he's unbiased, then he unloaded his true self.
It’s very simple—he wont dare call out his real “boss”
It's ridiculous that you think PDB has a reputation as a truth-teller. He was an insurance salesperson, is always lying about Iran and Islam, and isn't even as smart as he pretends.
PBD built his whole insurance business on lying and trickery that's why he doesn't expect someone to speak 100 % truth.He is basically a strategist not a truth-teller.

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