Breath like this to awaken your God-like abilities (as early as tonight).

4 months ago

This is an extremely powerful breathing technique revealed in the Hindu Yogic Sciences.

When you breath like this (Rhythmic Breathing) using this 3 part formula, you will naturally awaken your innate God-like abilities.

Things like intuition, manifestation abilities, physic abilities, healing powers... time perception and much more unique things will open up to you.

Practice this in depth simple process starting today and watch miracles happen as early as tonight.

Much love,

Joshua Andre ❤️
I mainly use YT and IG so if you want to connect on another platform, Instagram is the best place.

Here's my IG: @joshuaandreofficial

(When we connect just drop me a message that you came from YouTube, so I know you're one of the OG's )

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