How Many Coincidences Do You Need Before You'll Believe?

5 months ago

President Trump re-Truths several Q related memes and I break down what they mean and why it matters. "This is NOT another 4 year election. it is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether WE the PEOPLE retain control over our government!" (President Trump, October 24, 2016). Don't mistake 'silence' for inaction. Those you are taught to trust most are the most guilty of evil.
#PowerReturnedtoThePeople #HoldTheLine #JusticeIsComing #JusticeWillBeServed #TheWorldwillSoonUnderstand #SpyGate #CoupDetat #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing #WWG1WGA #StrengthandHonor #GODwins #YouHaveBeenQd #DarktoLight #ItsGonnaBeBiblical #ChildrenofLightvsChildrenofDarkness #Qproofs from Q+!

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