women have had the green light to self-destruct since 1973

5 months ago

it's like a hundred degrees but i love this fucking sweater n i like how it matches my hat kinda
cat harr everywhere
the interweb has a lotta information including various interpretations of weird ass dreams
this is a specific detail that i can't forget n i think you will understand why
the c chord is way too happy for this
this is why i have an overzealous amt of napkins in my car
that window was supposed to be open, this is what i tell myself every time...
everything happens for a...sum of cash you wish
we just had to make that point
back to my weird ass dream...a sink full of piss
apparently it matters what type of sink it was
i don't have an actual dick, if i did tho i most definitely would pee in the sink
if urine is in a dream it signifies cultural norms, spiritual purification, cleansing of one's habits
emotional release could mean anything
an overflowing sink signifies anxiety n guilt...yes this must be it
that's a lot to take in right there n that was right before i woke up
it's always some important msg right before i wake up
it is obnoxious to have a supercharged analytical mind, we always keep it interesting tho
what's happening in my life to make me dream ______
a lotta guilt in relation to my lifestyle
this could mean drugs or lack of self-care or the state of my house
i was gonna scrub my bathtub n then my boss called me into work so that was pretty convenient
more like put if off for three more wks
i know i need to try harder, i feel complacent right now
i think that this channel represents that i'm still willing to try even tho i don't edit my shit
you make a channel that you edit then
i carry everything on me at all times
various times in my past are at the forefront of my mind
if anybody saw me talkin to myself they'd assume i was hallucinating
i know exactly what's goin on with me thank you
the craziest thing about me is that i don't care that i look crazy
if anything it weeds out the fake ass people that i don't wish to engage w/ for any reason
life snobs are so annoying
i hate nickelback but i can get over it if i like you
maybe serial killers get off on casual conversation n i am ignorant
all kindza disgusting shit that people have totally normalized
why wouldn't the majority go along w/ sumin horrid considering...
the culture controls the population
voting is pretty futile for this reason
people make such a big deal about who gets selected but what do politicians do tho
what you're lookin at all day is gonna affect you way more than a politician
i admit this about myself becuz i wanna weed out mental ill unfriendly people
it's a waste of EVERYBODY'S time
get it outta the way so you can get on outta here
that was beautiful 14:17
watch somebody boring that don't say anything that no one else is saying
imma tell you to get rid of all the stuff that makes you more likely to kill yourself...back to my ongoing msg
isolation...i phone, GET IT
they've been successfully gaslit to believe that staring at a screen is how they wanna spend the rest of their life
no longer bitterness here cos i can't control what chu do
politicians ain't got shit to do w/ how you live i'm sorry
that ever so reliable rant on women
the whole abortion issue proves how stupid they are (as a whole)
if they cared about themselves n valued their life they wouldn't end up in these situations
women don't value anything but attention n their phones
i'd figure it out if that would make society better
you got yourself in this mess, get yourself out
ripping out yer offspring doesn't seem like healthcare
i think that the culture factors into why they're so stupid
women don't pay attention to things that they should pay attention to
the irony is that they demanded these rights n now it's biting them in the crotch
you can't do ANYTHING by yourself not even the thing that you believe in so much
sure-fire way to not have to worry about having a kid
you wanna be irresponsible n have someone else destroy the evidence
yes we use our turn signal
oxymoron right there
it just encourages bad behavior all around
how to create a better future, make sex illegal
this is me at my most fascist
hold both men/women equally accountable, now do you get why they threw out gender completely?
she'll figure out her menstrual cycle works real quick
usually a dog that validates them
she can't figure herself out regardless
if it ain't a man it's gon be ______
all these mfs making decisions for the bitch
like clockwork i swear
if you support women having rights you support their misery
sex slavery in a way only you are your own slave to the culture
you're making the choice to debase yourself due to being influenced by a culture that hates you n wants you dead
not even cool enough to make some $
talkin to my old self *shadow
it was pretty bad back then
i wish that it would man i wish that it would
well, honey...
if you want somebody to take care of you you have to be worth taking care of, that's really just it

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