Meta Just Achieved Mind Reading Through AI

6 months ago

6. AI Mind Reading EEG Headsets by Cold Fusion
Generative learning machines + Algorithm uses brain activity to associate to words and word sequences. Researchers used the MRI with a decoder to understand the meaning of the information, but often replicated the exact words and phrases. (FMRI)
Nov 18, 2023
SOURCES: [**]( [**]( Meta Research: [**]( [**]( [**]( [**]( [BCI introduction] [**]( [Neurally controlled robotic arm enables tetraplegic patient to drink coffee of her own volition] [**]( [Restoration of grasp following paralysis through brain-controlled stimulation of muscles] [**Neuroscience: Language decoder can reconstruct meaning from brain scans | Nature Neuroscience | Nature Portfolio (**]( [**]( [**]( [Resrources from the research: videos, audio, manuscript, lab photos, etc.] [**]( [Prof Shinji Nishimoto’s paper on reconstructing high-resolution visual images from brain activity using diffusion model] [EEG earbuds] [**]( [****](

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