Son of Porthos 1950 (Eps 12-22) Aussie Radio Serial

6 months ago

The Son Of Porthos Or, The Death Of Aramis
Paul Mahalin (as Alexandre Dumas)

Length 9 hrs. 28 minutes. Before editing: 11 hrs. 10 minutes

All the intros and outros have been removed. I did this because the background music was copyrighted, (but allowed to be used on YT). By removing the music with the intros and outros I have (hopefully) prevented the serial from having lots of ads and shortened the listening time.

Sequel to "The man in the iron mask."

Son of Porthos is an Australian radio 52-episode serial from 1950, a George Edwards Production. The story has intrigue, romance and thrilling adventure set in France of 1678. Adapted from a story by Alexandre Dumas (a.k.a. The Death of Aramis), however, the real author was Paul Mahalin.)

Who could possibly not be entertained by the work of Dumas? This is such a simple yet satisfying conclusion to the D'Artagnan Romances. It has plenty of references to our old friends - mostly through the reflection of an aged Aramis - to keep their spirit alive but it's clearly its own story, conveying the sense that our Musketeer heroes have truly departed to make way for a new generation of heroes.

Joel, our new hero, is an admirable protagonist though somewhat lonely at times after the camaraderie of the original sagas. However, when he finds his own friends, we easily warm to them. I always feel the realness of Dumas's characters, as I found with this novel.

The writing is eloquent and creates vivid images in the mind whilst indulging the imagination. The story itself was simple, and though I hoped for more references to the past I can see that this novel was stronger without them. It's certainly a tricky novel to track down but for fans of the previous installments I highly recommend getting your hands on this most fulfilling conclusion.

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