Let’s Talk! Costco Labor Day. Recorded 9/2/2024

6 months ago

Having worked in phone-based customer service for a good chunk of my working life, I am no stranger both to how rewarding it can feel to successfully resolve situations that clients felt seemed unresolvable by others in my department, and to how thankless it can feel to have my best efforts fall short or be unappreciated by a client who comes off as ungrateful, arrogant, and just plain mean. But the times missed with family because of my inability to navigate the logistics of getting home to them—being visually impaired, I cannot drive, and public transport to my hometown is limited—have been some of the moments of my life that have felt the most sacrificial, no matter how stiff an upper lip I maintained in each of those moments, and even when I was able to make good memories with friends and other loved ones to compensate. So, as much a surprise as it was to go to a favorite shopping location on a holiday, only to find it closed, I'm more happy for them that they got a day to enjoy special time of their own than I am disappointed to have my schedule upset. For those who were able to take advantage of the free day, I am both happy for them and looking forward to enjoying the service they provide whenever they are open. For those who perhaps live farther away than one day would allow for them to be with family, I pray that they are surrounded by people who love them with whom they can spend such times, or that they are able to find refreshment in solitude and be glad for the day God has gifted. Good job, Costco, looking out for your workers!

And now, check out this channel, Make A Joyful Noise!

Video Editing Software: DaVinci Resolve 19

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