JUAN O SAVIN- On the River! Self Correction is necessary!- Ethan Lucas 9 2 2024

4 months ago

PART TWO- That the Q Team was an important effort was to say WE ARE A PART OF THE TEAM and we NEED TO GET BUSY. Trust the Plan not just sitting around it is that WE ARE THE PLAN. How have we drifted so far away from SELF GOVERNANCE? We have to ALL CHIP IN.. and do what each of us can do. Education of what is going on is to have people DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH.
Disruptions are common in life just like the life boat that is on the river. Juan says a prayer. Whenever 2 or more are gathered. Go out and be the SALT and LIGHT. Unify in Christ. Create a Prayer circle. Start a phone tree. Instead of waiting and watching -come together. STOP the petty differences! American's LIKE PEACE. Like J6 was never a riot.. they had to "engineer" that event. People will have to "defend" their own. Here Juan talks about the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association. Please join this effort. CSPOA.org
All of this is an Education. Listen to Juan here and act accordingly.
This part is short because Juan dunked his phone in the River. In part three he talks about the rest of the story of the Pallets of Cash. The last few minutes are very muffled. Go to part THREE.
Juan posted this in an EMAIL that I posted on August 30th:
Hi folks. Juan here.
I will be talking publicly over the next weeks about the vast number of paper dollars sitting on pallets across the world and waiting to be flushed into the monetary system in order to cause inflation and to drive down the dollars value. It’s the greatest threat to America ever. With that in mind, please continue to get ‘tangibles’ that will help you bridge through the dramas ahead. It’s not the end of the world but it will be calamitous. We will get through it and the dollar will survive and even get stronger but not till after some fundamental changes. In the mean time silver and gold are great choices in order bridge through this tough streak.
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