On God Uses Nature to Punish; Trump; Jews; Dimond Brothers; and Other Topics. ~ RJMI Lecture

4 months ago

Posted on website:
www.JohnTheBaptist.us 9/2/2024. Recorded 8/25/2024. Here are the topics:

* Modern tech takes up a lot of time but it is worth it.
* God uses nature to punish mankind.
* Men can know this world is evil by the natural law alone.
* The apostate Dimond Brothers support Trump and lie about my [RJMI] stance against Trump.
* The stoic Dimond Brothers speak and act like passionless robots. And they have no pastoral care for their followers.
* Trumps god is mammon. Hence he follows whoever has the most money and power.
* The USA is beyond conversion. Hence God will send the Chinese or Russians to destroy the USA.
* Trump is now aligning himself with liberals like RFK and Elon Musk, while he casts away true and convicted social conservatives, such as William Norris.
* Trump says his crowds are bigger than Martin Luther King’s crowd when he gave the “I Had a Dream” speech. And Trump said he is prettier than Kamala Harris. All this is more proof of his vanity and sinful pride, not to mention his plain old goofiness.
* On Netanyahu’s speech before the US Congress (which can be called An Antichrist visits His Harlot) in which he was adored; and he lied when he said that the faithful Jews of the Old Covenant era (like the Machabees) are with him. The truth is that these faithful Jews are now Catholic and condemn him as an apostate.
* The Democrats (liberal and goofy as they are) are more zealous and less dishonest regarding their positions than the Republicans.
* While theology is more important, works regarding politics are also necessary, and relate to theology.
* The Dimond Brothers are like politicians. Whenever they are asked a question that proves them wrong, they ignore it and change the topic.
* In order to be right, one must be willing to admit when he is wrong.
* The heretical and schismatic Nathanael Kapner refuses to call the pagan Adam Greene an antichrist.

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