Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone Full Review

6 months ago

First off, Comica was kind enough to send the Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System for free to review. That said the opinions in this review are my own and I do a fairly thorough review testing out the audio of the Comica BoomX-D PRO’s to my Comica Vimo C similar Microphone system. I use a variety of setups including recording into my camera and smartphone via line in and USB in. I also test out the internal recording capability of the Comica BoomX-D PRO’s to see if three is any difference in sound and levels.

One of the main reasons why I was interested in tech Comica BoomX-D PRO Wireless Microphone System is its ability to record directly to internal memory so you do not necessarily need a receiver as you can record direct to internal memory to one or both of the transmitters Microphones and then transfer the audio to you computer or smartphone later to sync with any video you may have recorded to go along with it...

Read my Full Review Here:

Comica BoomX-D Pro:

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