JUAN O SAVIN- On the River! The Vote- the FLOW- Ethan Lucas 9 2 2024

6 months ago

PART ONE- The crazy that is a part of the Democrat side. The "immunity" of those main players that is quite telling. These "tells" and the coming future lawsuits and issues.
Enjoy the FLOW of this series. Cut only to topics and to the interruptions.
The River that Juan is floating is one he did a show with Ohio Brett Last year! The Boise River is a famous rafting spot where when Juan gets a break it was an obvious to get together with Ethan as he says.
The other topics in this series have to do with the Money situation the legal suits in play like the Emergency Powers act that the Brunson Lawsuits with SCOTUS are hanging in the Balance. We do have MANY to come and at this point just be wise. "A wise man sees trouble and gets out of the way".
Also think about those that worked back in the day that are absolutely true. This is evident even today. 9 2 2024 - 17 Q Drops and they are all the absolute TRUTH. https://qalerts.app/?q=Sep%2002
It is about the PEOPLE. UNITY.
In Psalm 133, King David praises the beautiful gift and sacred duty of unity among God’s people: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (verse 1)
Unity is the Key. Enough is Enough.

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