UNsanctioned FLORIDA

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School Board Member Jon Arguello and Tom Lord, Citizen of St. Cloud talk politics across the state of Florida and in their local county, Osceola, the most corrupt county they know of...School Board Member Jon Arguello, and Tom Lord, Citizen of St. Cloud, discuss new items from across the state of Florida, and news out of Osceola County, the most corrupt county they know of....
Tonight, Is the Governor losing his sway? And what's this about golf course in state parks? He says he doesn't know.. Alleged China spy caught here in Florida, 148 nabbed in sex trafficking bust, Foot Locker calling Florida home, Mormon land wants to become part of Orlando, Amesty indicted after witch-hunt, Osceola pushes quicker down the path of progressivism, and school board frightened by satanists....all on this episode of UNSANCTIONED FLORIDA!!!

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