Jordan Peterson: "It's Hard to Believe This Is Happening..."

27 days ago

What happens when a country rich in natural resources and land becomes unaffordable and mismanaged? In this video, Jordan Peterson explores the paradox of Canada's wealth and the challenges it faces due to misguided policies and ideologies. He highlights the absurdity of Canada's housing costs, which are twice as high as in the U.S., despite Canada's vast land. Peterson questions why a nation with such potential is failing to provide affordable living for its citizens.

He also delves into the environmental and economic conundrums facing Canada, particularly the pressure to limit energy production in a world where countries like China and India are rapidly expanding coal-fired plants. Peterson argues that Canada's role as a responsible provider of resources is being undermined by a utopian environmentalism that ignores the global realities of energy demand. He points out the irony that Canada, with its stringent environmental standards, is being pressured to halt energy production while other nations with far less regulation continue to pollute.

Peterson further examines the ongoing battle in provinces like Alberta and British Columbia between those who support free markets, private property, and economic freedom, and those who push for deindustrialization and government control. He emphasizes that this struggle is not just about resources but about the very foundations of trust, private property, and productive freedom that make a society prosperous.

Ultimately, Peterson calls for a return to sensible governance that recognizes Canada's strengths and potential, rather than allowing ideologically driven policies to weaken the nation's future. He urges Canadians to take pride in their country and work towards building a more united and prosperous nation, harnessing the natural and human resources that make Canada one of the best places in the world.

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