Mars Cafe #16: "Recovery Period"

4 months ago

There are no half-measures on Mars (the red planet). Despite being waylaid by a mysterious 25-hour illness, Sheriff Bill presses relentlessly onward with his investigation! The Cabeza Policia are a Forza to be reckoned with! Speaking for the Ministry of the Interior, Monica emphasizes that the "Day Zero Tragedy" must logically have a Serbian connection; Space-Byron reconnects with an old friend, then experiences a footwear glitch; Emory Bunny is having trouble with the telephone system, and also fails to recognize a high-ranking European diplomat; Pedro Serrano is pressed to make more of an impact around the office; Cumbot retrieves valuable hardware, then responds to an emergency call at the Dick Farm; Hombre De La Bolsa finally steps out of the shadows; Sheriff Bill discovers an important piece of evidence, then struggles to comprehend advanced analog information software. If you like procedural crime shows, you're sure to love Mars Cafe! Every day brings a new thrill!

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And the only place on Earth to purchase an illegal Martian firearm is at our trendy website--

People are saying positive things. See you there, Johnny!

"This website has made it even more easier for me to make secretions of my forbidden love in a disposable paper cup! And then I throw the disposable paper cup into the recycling bin! Five stars out of eight!" -Chris R., Oregon

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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