Watch The Waters —/—ROGER & Jesse Watters ( JFK Jr. )

18 days ago

Wikileaks Secrets

EXPOSED: The Hidden Network of 10,000 Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s) – A Global Conspiracy Unveiled

Beneath our feet lies a world shrouded in darkness and secrecy—a network of over 10,000 Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s) that stretch across the globe. These aren’t just military bunkers; they’re part of a sinister plan by the global elite to maintain control over humanity, operating far beyond the reach of any government oversight.

The Dark Underworld: 10,000 D.U.M.B.s Across the Planet Imagine a vast labyrinth of underground bases, hidden from the public eye, where the most horrific activities take place. Over 10,000 of these bases exist worldwide, with 1,800 in the United States alone. These facilities aren’t just military outposts; they are massive underground cities connected by high-speed trains, built for purposes that defy the imagination.

Unthinkable Atrocities: Human Captivity and Bio-Experiments Within these bases, unspeakable horrors are said to occur. Reports of human experimentation, especially on children, are whispered among those who dare to investigate. These facilities allegedly host bio-research labs developing weapons designed to target specific DNA, viruses meant to decimate populations, and other forms of biological warfare. These aren’t just theories—they’re terrifying realities hidden from the world.

The Elite's Secret Army: Engineered Super Soldiers One of the most disturbing revelations is the existence of engineered super soldiers, bred and conditioned within these D.U.M.B.s. These soldiers, created through a twisted combination of genetic engineering and cybernetics, are designed to be the ultimate weapons—loyal, fearless, and nearly invincible. Their purpose? To protect the secrets of these underground bases and to enforce the will of the global elite.

The Vatican-Jerusalem Tunnel: A Sinister Connection Adding to this web of deceit is the recent discovery of a 1,500-mile tunnel connecting the Vatican to Jerusalem, reportedly filled with a staggering hoard of gold. This treasure trove, transported by an armada of 650 planes, is rumored to be part of the Vatican’s secret wealth, hidden away for centuries and now uncovered as part of this global conspiracy.

A Global Web of Control: The Super Elites At the heart of this conspiracy are the so-called "Super Elites"—a tiny fraction of the global population who pull the strings from the shadows. These are the same elites who control the military-industrial complex, the media, and even the highest levels of government. Their reach is so vast that over 800 million individuals within the global military and intelligence complex answer to them, ensuring that their grip on power remains unchallenged.

The Puppet Masters: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Khazarian Bloodlines Behind the scenes, powerful families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, along with ancient Khazarian bloodlines, have been orchestrating this control for centuries. Their influence spans continents, manipulating world events to maintain their dominance. Their goal is not just to amass wealth but to control humanity itself.

The White Hats: A Glimmer of Hope But not all hope is lost. A group of brave individuals within the military, known as the White Hats, are fighting back. These warriors operate in the shadows, working tirelessly to expose the truth and dismantle the structures of oppression. They are the last line of defense against this global conspiracy, dedicated to restoring justice and freedom to humanity.

The Final Hour: A Call to Action We stand on the brink of a new era, where the truth will finally be revealed. The age of ignorance is over. The forces of darkness will be exposed, and the world will see the light of truth. But we must be vigilant and ready to act. The future of humanity depends on our willingness to confront the darkness and reclaim our freedom. The time for revelation is now—will you be ready when the final battle begins?

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The Emergency 🚨 Broadcasting System Announcement Will Signal The Beginning Of A New Quantum Financial System & Streamlined Government.


Your thoughts on this folks?

Americans have been watching a massive, controlled Military Operation who strategically and critically planned and successfully trapped the Washington Establishment… Made them all confess their crimes and play a role in this operation piece by piece… as Americans have had to visually see and witness a ‘Continuation of Government’ in the form of a “Presidential Administration” where these corrupt and evil people will, have, and will continue to destroy their system from within, spend all of their dirty money doing so, until it’s time for the Military to visually step in.

The timelines all add up and prove the Military Operation and Occupancy:

1.     Snake Poem read by candidate Donald Trump – January 2016

2.     2016 Presidential Election – November 2016

3.     President Elect Trump and Putin on Fox News = “ready for ‘reset’… I will work with Trump” – November 9, 2016

4.     Law of War Manual (Military Occupancy and Negotiations etc.) – December 2016

5.     Military Justice Act (Supreme Court clarifying Military Law is separate than Civil Law; heavy emphasis on Military Tribunal terms) – 2016

6.     Military stands behind CIC Trump (Military Intelligence and JAG head bands; Optics) at Inauguration – January 2017

7.     Saudi Arabia crowns Trump King – May 2017

8.     Declares Jerusalem Capitol of Israel – December 2017

9.     Executive Order 13818 – Declares National Emergency to deal with Human Rights Abuse – December 2017

10. CIC Trump walks in front of Queen – July 14, 2018

11. Putin hands CIC Trump soccer ball (“the ball is in your court”; did not participate in 2022 World Cup) – July 16, 2018

12. Executive Order 13848 – September 2018

13. CIC Trump makes history; walks into North Korea – June 2019  

14. National Quantum Initiative – Executive Order 13885 – August 2019

15. Space Force established as Military Branch – December 2019

16. Corona Sars Virus first mentioned to American Public as a Threat from China – February 2020

17. Two more National Emergencies Declared –
March 13 and 27, 2020

18. Executive Order 13912 Federalizing 1,000,000 National Guard to Active-Duty Status – March 27, 2020

19. CIC Trump quote on attack worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined – May 2020

20. National Guard Troops place fence around Capitol Building (47 US Code 606) – January 2021

21. CIC Trump receives full grade Constitutional by Law and Military Grade Inauguration ceremony – January 20, 2021

22. “Joe Biden” breaks 20th Amendment amongst many other violations – January 20, 2021

23. Aircrafts constantly over and through 33 mile no fly zone radius D.C. – January 2021 to present day

24. “Biden” extends Executive Order 13848 (first time) – September 2021

25. launched – September 2021

26. New York Times reports Military Tribunals coming mid-2023 – December 2021

27. Army and branches transfer all communications to Space Force under ONE command (Biden’s never mentioned the Space Force not once; zero News Articles with his name tied to Space Force) – August 2022

28. Major Optics and Comms in CIC Trump speech – November 15.

29. More News Articles establishing Space Force Command Centers with zero mention of Biden – December 2022

Those few timelines and timestamps do nothing but prove a Military Operation and Occupancy along with many more Laws, Codes, Orders, Statutes

The National Guard has been out of their state militia status and operating as Active-Duty Status every day since they were Federalized in March 2020.
There’s MORE than enough documentation and ‘proof’ to show not only the National Guard, but also thousands of World Alliance Aircrafts in and out of the United States and National Guard bases.

There’s United States Coast Guards with United States Navy at their stations. USCG is Department of Homeland Security during Peacetime and transferred to the Department of the Navy during Wartime.

The Brunson vs. Adams case simply states the obvious… Congress violated the Constitution.

Quantum Financial System.


A meticulously engineered catastrophe is on the brink, designed by the global elite to strip away our freedoms and plunge us into chaos. Yet, this orchestrated Black Swan event may well spell their undoing.

As the old world collapses, something extraordinary is emerging. The stock market, cryptocurrencies, and power grids—everything the elites have used to control us—is about to implode. From this destruction, a new era will be born.

The Financial System: A Corrupt Machine

The financial system has long served as a tool of mass enslavement, wielded by the global elite to extract wealth and keep us in perpetual debt. The Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and central banks are all part of this corrupt system, inflating bubbles and trapping us in economic slavery.

But the bubble is about to burst. The stock markets will crash, cryptocurrencies will be obliterated, and the global economy will face chaos. The elites believe they can control this collapse and reset the system on their terms, but they are gravely mistaken. This collapse will be their downfall.

The Blackout: The Final Act of Sabotage

As the financial system crumbles, the elites will attempt to turn off the lights—a deliberate act designed to plunge the world into darkness and maintain their control during the chaos. This blackout will be more than a power cut; it will trigger the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and reset the financial system.

When the lights come back on, a new world will emerge. The EBS will signal the end of the old financial order and the dawn of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a system designed to free us from elite control.

The EBS: Catalyst for a New Financial Era

The recent EBS test was not just a drill but a rehearsal for resetting the financial system. When the blackout happens and the EBS is activated, it will mark the transition to a new financial order, driven by GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) and NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act). These acts are the blueprint for dismantling elite financial tyranny.

The QFS: End of Elite Power

The QFS is not just another currency or system; it is a revolutionary, decentralized, and incorruptible financial model powered by quantum technology. It promises fair wealth distribution and the end of elite control. As the old financial system collapses, the QFS will rise, rendering previous systems obsolete.

The coming blackout will serve as the catalyst for this transformation. The elites believe they can control the process, but they are mistaken. The QFS will be beyond their grasp and will finally free us from their control.

The Dawn of a New Era

The Black Swan event will mark the end of the global elite’s reign. The stock market crash, the blackout, and the EBS activation are part of a larger plan to liberate us from their control. When the lights return, the QFS, GESARA, and NESARA will establish a new world order—one of freedom and prosperity.

Prepare now, for once the blackout begins, there will be no turning back. The old world is ending, and a new era of financial freedom is on the horizon. The elites’ reign is over. The age of the Quantum Financial System, under GESARA and NESARA, is beginning.

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