Labor Day 9/2/2024. The Government Is Bullshit. It Is Time For Total War.

5 months ago
I, Chad Clawitter, am under duress until I receive over $1 Million in reparations for being illegally tortured and denied my basic human rights. I do not negotiate with terrorists while under duress. My campaign for U.S. President (ID:P40015604) has been retroactively sabotaged via illegal law-fare by political terrorists in bed with Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is guilty of an illegal coup and should be retroactively tried via U. S. Military Tribunal, executed for treason, and replaced with a masked-double/doppelgänger/android-doll. Donald Trump is guilty of criminal negligence for initially failing to defend the U.S. Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies; the U.S. Military should help Donald Trump correct his mistakes by retroactively setting up a Military Sting Operation to catch all of the human traffickers and domestic enemies to our U.S. Constitution. Donald Trump should receive a full pardon and his community service penance for his initial criminal negligence should be to secretly raise between $91 Million and $9.1 Billion for Christian charities that help widows and orphans by Christmas 2024. I have done my due diligence:

Kamala Harris is not a “natural-born” citizen. To qualify for President or Vice President it is not enough to just be a citizen or citizen since birth, but rather you have to be a “natural-born” citizen. The Founding Fathers didn’t want a child like Kamala Harris (born of a non-citizen illegal criminal with foreign sympathies) to be eligible for President nor Vice President. They specifically used the language “natural-born” citizen to prevent traitors compromised to foreign powers like Kamala Harris from being eligible for President or Vice President.

When a citizen has a child, the child inherits citizenship and is a “natural-born” citizen.
When an illegal immigrant gives birth on U.S. soil, the child is not “natural-born” because the illegal immigrant is unnaturally breaking the law by being on U.S. soil. The child of non-citizen parents does not inherit citizenship, and is therefore not a “natural-born” citizen.
However, all newborn infants on U.S. soil are automatically given citizenship status treated as if they were instantly naturalized if they meet the criteria that they are not children of foreign diplomats nor alien enemies in hostile occupation.

Kamala Harris is the child of non-citizen parents; her mother was an illegal invader with an expired VISA. It was birth under illegal circumstances, not a birth under natural circumstances. Kamala Harris is not a “natural-born” citizen.

The Huntington Beach Police Department created a deep-fake of me, Chad Clawitter, running naked with a gun to frame me for the false-flag Lockdown at Huntington Beach High School October 6, 2015. Kamala Harris used this false-flag to try to remove 2nd Amendment Rights. The Huntington Beach Union High School District used illegal lawfare against me to retaliate against me for being a Whistleblower. They are all political terrorists “in bed” together. The following link is legal evidence including official court documents that proves they have committed crimes against humanity including kidnapping, torture, and attempted murder of whistleblowers to obstruct justice and frame the victim as a red-herring.
Complaint to CA Attorney General Kamala Harris July 14, 2016
U. S. Department of Justice Complaint 2/4/2019
EEOC In Los Angeles May 28, 2019 at 12:40PM

Government Bureaucrats In Their Natural Habitat
United States Department of Justice Complaint February 13, 2020

Kamala Harris is the child of an illegal immigrant not naturally loyal to USA from birth; Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen. The fact is that Kamala Harris is a traitor Enemy of the State who deserves the death penalty. Her mother was illegal and not naturally loyal to the USA, which was the entire point of the verbiage “natural born”.
If her mother had been a citizen, she would have been more likely to be loyal to USA. The requirement of “natural born” citizen was to create a predisposition to be loyal to USA. Kamala Harris was born of an illegal immigrant, and she lacked that predisposition to be loyal to the USA, which is why she is not a natural born citizen. That is the entire point of there being a requirement of “natural born” citizen. A natural born citizen must be born from a citizen parent with a predisposition to be loyal to the USA. That is the purpose behind it. If you cannot recognize that self-evident truth, you have less intelligence than a computer.

The spirit of the law is that a natural born citizen must be born under natural conditions not illegal conditions. Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen, her mother was an illegal immigrant, she was raised in Canada with foreign sympathies, which lead her to become a traitor. The Supreme Court has never explicitly stated that a natural born citizen must be born legally with a citizen parent, but it is implicit (self-evident). Based on the spirit of the law and context of why the founding fathers used the verbiage “natural born” citizen.
“Natural born” isn’t just getting citizenship after birth on US soil, it is a title used to convey being the child of a US citizen naturally loyal to USA from birth. Kamala Harris is the child of illegal immigrant not naturally loyal to USA from birth; Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen.

Citizen by birth or birthright citizenship is not the same thing as “natural born citizen”. “Natural born” is a title conveying that you inherited your citizenship from a citizen parent who is naturally loyal to USA. You become a citizen at birth if your parent is a citizen. You become a citizen AFTER birth if you happen to be born on US soil. It is self evident that the purpose of the founding fathers using the verbiage “natural born” citizen is to be the child of a citizen naturally loyal to USA. That is the whole purpose of them putting that as a requirement.

The child of non-citizens parents does not inherit citizenship at birth (and is not a natural born citizen). Citizen since birth is not the same thing as “natural born citizen”. Kamala Harris is the child of an illegal immigrant. To be a “natural born citizen”, you must inherit your citizenship from a citizen parent. Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen, but since her mother was illegally on U.S. soil at her birth she was made a citizen treated as if she was instantly naturalized after birth.

Corruption Huntington Beach Union High School District

Corruption Orange County California Courts

Absolute Despotism Orange County CA Government Compromised

Torture & Crimes Against Humanity: Death Sentence

Prayer Requests:
My basic human rights restored.
A bed to sleep in and roof over my head.
A private bathroom.
A refrigerator and microwave.
Clean clothes/Money to wash my clothes.
Nutritious delicious home cooked meals so that I can get back to a healthy weight.
Clean water that doesn’t contain medication in it (i.e. fluoride).
A gym membership.
Car insurance and a full tank of gas.
A working phone number.
Unlimited data for my cell phone.
Removal of my criminal record (I am 100% innocent/they illegally retaliated against whistleblower under duress/entrapment).
Between $7 Million and $700 Million in reparations (I was tortured).
Trump to raise between $91 Million and $9.1 Billion for Christian Charities that help orphans and widows before Christmas 2024.
A new wife filled with the Holy Spirit.
A new family that won’t abandon me and leave me to die.

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