Ezra Lesson-07: Rebuilding Revival - Part I

4 months ago

This Week’s Lesson

We are in Lesson-07 in the series “Rebuilding on the Solid Rock” from the book of Ezra.

This is Volume I of our series: “After the Exile” a study of Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther.
The lesson is titled “Rebuilding Revival – Part I” and our focus passage is Ezra 5.

Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we concluded our study of Ezra 4, Rebuilding Amidst Opposition.
In that chapter we saw that after a few encouraging months for the Jewish exiles in their return, relentless opposition rose against their rebuilding efforts.
We saw how their enemies tried anything and everything to stop the work of rebuilding the temple and the city.

We should always remember that even when you are in the center of God’s will, opposition will rise to oppose His work.
In our study we saw that the opposition campaign against the Exiles reached the highest levels of the Persian empire.
It was an effective opposition that paused the work of rebuilding the Temple and also on any efforts to rebuild the city.

In today’s lesson we will begin our study of Ezra 5-6. These chapters are connected in one unified narrative and that’s how we will treat them.

Ezra 5-6 chronicles the resumption of the Temple rebuilding project.

The question is this: what would be different this time? The opposition will still be there.
The Exiles had been discouraged in their initial effort and obviously they were distracted with other priorities at this point. What’s going to change?

Let’s get started.

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