The DARK History of Labor Day | Hn 52

5 months ago

Only two days late, Adam and Tyrone discuss Labor Day. Adam hates it, mostly in opposition of perceived fashion tyranny. Also, unions, scabs, minimum wage, and racism. Enjoy!

00:00 – Intro. Happy Labor Day! A time for brats and beers and barbecue and bonfires! But don't try to tell Adam not to wear white if'n he wants to.
02:56 -- So, what's Labor Day all about? Unions, say many. Adam tells a story explaining why he hates unions.
06:31 – Wait a minute, what's wrong with collective bargaining? Nothing, so long as all participation is voluntary and property rights are respected.
10:30 – Adam and Tyrone smash some of the popular myths about unions and the historical "good" they have done. Audio typo alert: Adam says "workers" at one point when he means "employers".
13:25 -- Tyrone emphasizes the point with a time-machine thought experiment. Also, Adam does one of his most favorite things, referencing Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
15:25 -- More on the inefficiency and waste of unions -- and how unions harm other workers, largely through the use of hateful and racist minimum wages -- Adam brings receipts in the form of quotations.
26:03 -- Tyrone talks about two good books. Promo links below. Also an enjoinder: Please don't support minimum wages. They hurt good people.
30:12 -- Outro. Adam has words for the unionist jackass who keyed his 1978 VW Dasher!

Sources for the quotations cited:

Book mentioned: Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson:
Book mentioned: Walter Williams's The State Against Blacks:

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