Mars Cafe #15: "Frampy Kloopy"

6 months ago

What went wrong during the making of this episode? Was it a switch to a different video editor program? Was it liquor? Was there too much inbreeding in my trousers? Was it all of those things combined? The truth is lost in time!

Original 2021 synopsis:

To a native Cydonian, "frampy kloopy" is the sound an ancient curse makes when it hits you right in your tender gonads, and no episode of "Mars Cafe" (so far) has been as cursed as this episode!

From a bumble-headed audio track in the flashback sequence (skip to 02:15 to miss that garbage, if you must), to a frightening and mysterious illness that nearly cripples Sheriff Bill, this episode is like a raging diaper-fire at your grandmother's house! An executed Russian diplomat may be stirring up trouble from beyond the grave; Space-Byron gets a passing grade from Sheriff Bill; Monica receives a failing grade from Sheriff Bill; Cumbot soars into action to retrieve valuable evidence from the wasteland; Emory Bunny confesses that he has bona fide respect for a particular co-worker, and he would also like to help Bill stay hydrated; An infection causes Sheriff Bill to become ignorant and abusive, and then he swears Emory to secrecy about one particular hanging. The past rarely keeps its stupid mouth shut. This episode will make you wish your life had a rewind button! #marscafe #pulptarot #yearsformonths #lynxpiss #garbage #truecrime And stop by the website to sample some fresh dill pickles!

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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