5 months ago

The Beardsley Doctrine provides a multi-faceted approach to help America start succeeding again. This approach starts by using the Doctrine, The American Death March Series, and the Fifty Years of Failure Series to educate Americans of the failed policies that are undermining our future, and it shows how we can fix these problems. The Outreach Program makes it easy for you to do your part to help educate the people around you. Each video in the series provides critical information that is tailored to a specific group in our country, and it works to energize that group to get involved to help change our country for the better. All you have to do is pass them along to your friends and family. The PRESS Plan provides you with an action plan that we must implement if we plan on bringing about the changes that are needed to ensure we can provide the future that your family and our country deserve. We've lost for too long because the media and the government have kept us on this failed path by distracting us and dividing us so we keep fighting among ourselves, but the Beardsley Doctrine strives to bring Americans together to work for what is best for our families and our country.

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