Joe Rogan Podcasting Truth Filter Leads to the Divine Word - Ft. Andrew Huberman and Jordan Peterson

6 months ago

There is a lot going on in this podcast from Andrew Huberman to Jordan Peterson but I want to start with some clips from Joe Rogan and Andrew Huberman where they talk about people taking clips of Joe Rogan out of context. And the irony is not lost on me, and as much as some people do this in a deceptive way I want to see if a new dialogue emerges while preserving the context of the original dialogue. My hope is to engage in a new kind of dialogue that builds off the original and leads us closer to the truth.

I explore the connection between theology, humanity, history and culture. I do this in the hopes of creating meaningful dialogue with others. I am creating dialogues with Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand and other powerful voices in culture.

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Original @joerogan Andrew Huberman epeside

And @JordanBPeterson episode

Here is a podcast I did on the nature of dialogue

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