Just Take Him At His Word! The Just Shall Live By Faith.

1 month ago

The Lord Jesus Christ is TRUTH personified. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, He says in John 14:6. He expects Christian believers to take Him at His Word. He cannot lie. In this turbulent world of lies, deceptions, falsehoods, cover-ups, delusions, and the like, people are somewhat confused about what is truth. We have almost forgotten what truth looks like. But if we look to the Lord Jesus Christ, and study His Word with a believing heart, we will realize that most of what we see with our physical eyes is not based on truth. The Bible says that the just shall live by faith. You don’t need faith for what you can see. You need faith for what you can’t see. So we must conclude that the just shall live by what they can’t see. In Matthew chap 8, the centurion believed that the Lord Jesus Christ was the Son of God with full authority and power on earth, and that He only had to speak the word for his servant to be healed. On the outside, the Lord did not “look” like the Son of God, but this Roman soldier believed the Lord for what He declared about Himself. The centurion took Him at His word and showed great faith that even the Lord had to marvel. He showed his faith by basically telling the Lord “You don’t have to show me any signs or wonders (I don’t need to see anything), you don’t have to even come to my house (because I’m not worthy); my faith is that if You just speak the word - give the command - my servant will be healed”. He demonstrated his faith by his submission to the Lord’s complete authority.

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