Stress Rut

1 month ago

You can be moving forward in life and things are going well and then all of a sudden… wow… where did that come from??? I like the game of golf, it relaxes me, it gives me a “time out” from life’s stress ruts! What is a stress rut? Well, it is all about me, creating a rut out of a stressful situation by overthinking it, by trying to fix it until I am completely exhausted, and by not trusting God! Golf and life are similar!

Life can be like a game of golf. Sometimes we have those perfect shots and we are happy and celebrating and then we get to the next hole and we send one right into the lake. We think: Where did that bad drive come from? I was doing so well! Stroke Lost! Ball Lost! Aggravated Attitude Picked Up!

We can be doing things so perfectly and then all of a sudden “bam” that is ugly. Where did that come from? We have these stressful times and we start focusing on them exercising our mind by running bad thoughts over and over in them, until we are exhausted and stressed out. We have created a stress rut in our mind. This is the time to shake things up. Do something different, take your mind off of the situation.

We can’t fix it. We are not the Fixer, God is the Fixer. Do you want to have a good shot at life? Let go and let God. Let go of the stress, all those things you are trying to fix. We can’t live life perfectly all the time. Ask any golfer if they have ever had a bad chip or a bad putt, or a bad drive! They all have. Life is not always perfect, and neither is our golf drive and we know that when we hear that “kerplunk” as we hit the ball right into the water. That ball is gone! It is okay, we will get another try to make it better, and before you are done playing, you probably will find another ball somewhere that was lost by someone else. This hole may have ended with too many strokes above par, but the next hole could be a bogey. Life is like that.

1 God, 1 Purpose, 1 Day At A Time! Don’t get yourself in a stress rut because you made a bad iron shot and created a divot and the ball went no where. Take a deep breath, let God calm you down before you take that next shot and do the same thing again. Shake Things Up! Let go and let God. Relax Your Grip! Time Out! Attitude Check! Breathe in God, breathe out bad attitudes and may your next golf drive be perfect. God bless you. PS… Remember we are imperfectly-perfect, yet always loved by a perfect God.

Are You A Fixer:

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