The Sodomite Deception Documentary

6 months ago

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• 1500's - Laws Against Sodomy in Colonial America

• 1533, The Buggery Act, enacted by King Henry 8th, condemned convicted sodomites to death. This law remained unchanged until 1861.

• 1600's - Laws Against Sodomy in Colonial America

• 1612, The Laws of the Colony of Virginia says in section 9, "No man shall commit the horrible, and detestable sins of Sodomy upon pain of death..."

• 1700's - Laws Against Sodomy in Colonial America

• 1776, The University of Nebraska published, "In 1776, male homosexuals in the original 13 colonies were universally subject to the death penalty."

• 1800's - Laws Against Sodomy in the United States of America

• 1868, Florida Law made sodomy a felony stating, "Whoever commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature, either with mankind or with beast, shall be punished by imprisonment in the State prison not exceeding twenty years."

• 1900's - Enforcement Against Sodomy in the United States of America

• 1903, New York City Police raided the Ariston Bath House, arresting 60 sodomites.

• 1961, Los Angeles Police Department creates documentary called, "Boys Beware", warning the public about the predatory tactics of sodomites.

• 2000's - The Legalization of Sodomy

• 2003, Supreme Court Case Lawrence v Texas decriminalized homosexuality nationwide. This ruling prevents states from making new laws against sodomy, and renders the laws currently on the books unenforceable.

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