The Serpent Seed #9 " Race mixing" The Way Of Cain: The Sin That Brought The Global Flood

6 months ago

When we lay aside our atheism and accept the teachings of the scriptures and the sciences that the white is the only man, and that the negro is an ape, and view this whole subject in the light of Cain’s history, as above set forth, it becomes plain that the “sons of God” were the pure-blooded male descendants of “Adam, the son of God;” and that the “daughters of men” were mixed-blooded females; they were the offspring of amalgamation between the Adamic males and the negro females. Thus it will be seen that the inspired writer describes them to a nicety; their fathers were men; hence, they were the “daughters of men;” but their mothers were not women , they were negresses — “ beasts of the field ” — apes.

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