Cleveland, Ohio man tackles Ronald Reagan shooter. News clip from 2021

6 months ago


HISTORY: This afternoon I will be going to see the movie "Reagan"
I have personal ties to this story. When I was a child it was the Ronald Reagan shooting that made me want to study news reporting. I eventually went to television broadcasting school after high school.

However, I have another personal tie...
A gentleman I knew, Alfred Antennuci was the first man to jump on Ronald Reagan's shooter, John Hinckley Jr.
I grew up in Garfield Hts, Ohio where Mr. Antenucci lived. I was there the day that Ronald Reagan named a main street in Garfield Hts, Ohio after him,... Antenucci Blvd.

In a couple of hours from now, today, I will drive down Antenucci Blvd because it's the route I take to get to Cinemark movie theater.
I drive down Antenucci Blvd several times a week and every time that I do I think of the images of Alfred Antenucci jumping on John Hinckley Jr. A true American hero. Mr. Antenucci is one of my inspirations for doing what I do today.
This news clip is from 3 years ago marking the 40th anniversary.

#BruceSnyder #MindfixTV #RonaldReagan #AlfredAntenucci

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