Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Is it YOU? (3 WARNING Signals)

5 months ago

Have you heard of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
No matter if you are eating meat and eggs or you are vegan, this video about vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms may change your life for the better.

This is the vitamin B12 supplement I can whole-heartedly recommend and take myself for years:
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In the first part, we cover 3 often-overlooked signs of vitamin b12 deficiency.
And in the second part (bonus content), I share how to treat vitamin b12 deficiency naturally and what you need to be aware of with vitamin b12 supplements.

This video is my personal vitamin b12 deficiency story and how vitamin b12 deficiency impacted most of my life.
Even when studying medicine, I was not aware that I had vitamin b12 deficiency signs that could have been treated naturally by healing my microbiome and supplementing bio-available vitamin B12.

Vitamin b12 truly is a key player when it comes to recovering from chronic illness, gut troubles, neurological issues, stress, and even anemia.

Let me know in the comments below if you experienced the three signs and symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency yourself!

// V I D E O S to watch next

Vitamin B12 - What Doctors "Forgot" to Tell You

Vitamin B12 - Five Benefits That Will Blow Your Mind

Best Vitamin B12 Supplement - How to Find The Best Vitamin B12 Supplement?

// R E S O U R C E S

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▸ 🍀 Goodbye Seasonal Allergies |
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▸ 🍏 SIBO - How to heal fast |


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// D I S C L A I M E R

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Peggy Schirmer / Gut Feelings, are published for educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a physician or other healthcare practitioner for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.

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