Kingi Tuheitia Paki Tangi & Matters of Justice

4 months ago

This is a video sending my Aroha Love over to Waikato Turangawaewae to the Loved Ones Paki whanau. RangiMarie Amopiu Kirikau Kaa Kingi is the great great grand daughter of Princess Rangitapu one of 4 sisters taken from Tapuika Tawapito TeKahikaa, TePuke (near Maketu), & hidden under TeWherowhero & his son Tawhiao at Ngatiraa marae Raukawa & TeArawa bordered in Wairiki Tribal lands. Tawhiao & Rangitapu birthed a daughter Koopu Amopiu who ended up in relations to TeArawa TeKirikau in
This is a video sending my Aroha Love over to Waikato Turangawaewae to the Loved Ones Paki whanau.
Also sharing other MATTERS OF JUSTICE. And future matters affected by the original history of the Kingitanga movement. This movement is described as Highly 'spiritual birthing' to Travail as in a Woman giving birth to a Government Mantle of Leadership to navigate The Maori Race Of People to Safety & Peace. WE NEVER CEDED SOVEREIGNTY to what has become a europe-british-american-canadian-australian intelligence militant mega corporation acting as crown-vatican-rothschilds. As for my marae & tribal offices - they are run by imposters rogue (of no relation) planted under covid19 seige.
Also sharing other MATTERS OF JUSTICE. And future matters affected by the original history of the Kingitanga movement.
Future matters affected by the original history of the Kingitanga movement started by TeWheroWhero 1800s. This movement is described as Highly 'spiritual birthing' to Travail as in a Woman giving birth to a Government Mantle of Leadership to navigate The Maori Race Of People to Safety & Peace. ENDING SLAVERY and oppression, removing the occult coat of arms symbol.
God Defend Aotearoa 10years ago:
Rothchilds-crown-vatican courts- banks-miltary-medical-media Empire explained exposed:

The Shocking Truth behind Global Power:

Welfare committees States in NZ disguised under Patriotic & Canteen funds act 1947-2024 enacted by NZ defense force rogue army:

Provincial Patriotic & Canteen Councils - dirty NZDF hiding in local councils raiding War Pensioners estates & next generations? To Recover their DEBT so NATO-blackrock-bill & melinda Gates hiring parliament & COURTHOUSES, police-army-navy to target individuals by Declarations of War:
Exposing 2025 human depopulation plan includes Aust Defense Force invading NZ under an illegal coupe including social welfare office as bankrobbers looting Maori putea. Have you noticed the Aust Black hawk helicopter flying over?
American & Australian 5eyes Queer Military Spy project Surveillance Data Harvesting of Maori for Population reduction evil. Maori celebrities work for TVNZ Warner brothers mainstream pedophiles gone rogue at a time of 3rd recession when corporations failed AUDITS. These Debtors are preying on people CREDITORS:
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