very few exceptions to either have it or don't have it

4 months ago

i look like i'm still 8 years old
all i can taste is cilantro haha
i can just imagine cilantro n start smelling it
we can't possibly be that far off
i gotta chug it cos i don't wanna drink it
i treat healthy shit the same as vodka *we HAVE to drink this shit
if i ain't feelin it i ain't feelin it
i have a sandpaper effect a lotta the time
those that can stand me keep trying to change my mind
i don't believe in God outta fear or the sense of belonging that i get from my church, it took me a long ass time to get over here, man!
it's just one of the many perks n i'll take it!
never fit in anywhere i've been
i can cry often n nobody is alarmed
my church is pretty emotional so...
it doesn't make em nervous to see me like this
not ashamed of what society would shame me for
i was pretty wreckless when i was younger mainly w/ booze
analyze til i'm tired but it takes awhile for me to get to that point hahaha
i ain't gon try to convince non-believers
i can like somebody w/out having to agree w/ them
what chu love about me is what chu also hate about me
my mind is flexible but God has always been my foundation, even tho i went thru a little pretend-secular spat when i started doin standup, it lasted about 2yrs
pretty much all my bfs have been atheists
i date judson for like 2mos n he was definitely a believer (but too protestant)
why are they soooo attracted to me for whatever reason
if you think that my faith is a load a bullshit then why are you even interested in me since that is such a huge part of what i do n why i do it
sorry yawl this is annoying
i guess we'll never find those two chords EVER AGAIN
you know i had to go w/ the somber/serious
it's none of my business what chu don't believe
you can't get a junkie clean or get ag to trust authority
way more truth to the Orthodoxy, in my humble opinion...personal experience that you can just blame on mental illness
ridiculous expectations thinkin we're gonna change somebody else
how is that yer responsibility anyway, that's so control freakyish

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