ACIM Movie Gathering (Life As A House), 9/1/24

6 months ago

Greetings Mighty Companions in Deepening Trust✨

We’re diving deeper with this film, and keeping it funny to boot! Our featured presentation will be a top notch dramedy with supreme acting by Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Hayden Christensen: Life As A House. Our theme for this class will explore the questions,

What does it take to change your mind in an instant?
What is the spiritual significance of completion?

We’ll let go together, and push off from the shore, into the middle of the river!! This is our precious time to unlearn fixation on personal suffering and survival, opening instead to 🌟TRUST THE SPIRIT🌟 every step of the way. This lesson can’t be learned in the future, but can become our guiding light right now.

This movie will expand our minds on the nature of true healing, pointing us toward the cause of healing within, instead of fixating on the effects or symptoms. When we recognize the cost of holding grievances and harboring hatred, healing is no longer feared because we’ve got nothing to lose except our suffering. So "losing it" is a good thing!!! We're not losing our minds, but gaining our sanity.

In this most excellent film, we have an authentic portrayal of healing the perception of family dysfunction, and recognizing what’s really important in life. This goes beyond all family ideas. What does it take to bring about the healing of our perception?

We have a tantalizing hint come forth for our hearts to drink in and open with:

George: "You know the great thing though, is that change can be so constant you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't even notice that your life is better or worse, until it is. Or it can just blow you away. Make you something different in an instant. It happened to me."

Sometimes it seems to take a challenging circumstance to help us re-evaluate our priorities and come back to what’s truly important. And what is important except the love we have to give and share? In this movie we’ll explore the power of recognizing any moment could be our last, and we have no more time to waste on our pitiful and pathetic narrative of personal suffering. When we are faced with a "life or death” situation, our story becomes so old and ridiculous that we simply outgrow it.

This movie will reinforce the decision to follow our heart and to give everything to that endeavor. When we come into the prayer of our heart, we find a magnetic quality which has the power of love. Being loving, that prayer attracts love to itself, and gives it freely. Forgiveness naturally flows when we are willing to let the past go and begin again, with mighty companions beside us.

Sam Monroe (Hayden Christensen) is the son of George Monroe (Kevin Kline). After losing his job in dramatic style, George realizes he has to find a way to heal the hatred that has been harbored in his family lineage, passed from father to son. When George’s health begins to fail, he knows he has to make some critical changes in order to find a loving reconnection with Sam. The decision to spend the summer with Sam and finally build the house he always dreamed of, sets a change in motion for them both. In fact, George's power of decision has a positive impact on all those around him including his ex wife, and Sam’s mother, Robin (Kristin Scott Thomas). George’s willingness seems to be contagious, and his endeavor becomes a catalyst for a heartfelt collaboration.

"A miracle is never lost. It touches many people you do not even know and sometimes produces undreamed of changes in forces of which you are not even aware. That is not your concern. The miracle will always bless you."Tx:1.73

The take home value of our class will be a soft and open heart, and perhaps the release of shame and fear associated with our failed personal histories. It’s never too late to begin again and teach only love.

May we all be blessed in the healing power of our decision, the end of suffering, and the birth of real happiness.
Brian & Alexandra💞

Please note:
Conscious movie watching is not primarily about entertainment.
And it has nothing to do with movie critique. It’s about becoming
proficient in mind watching and honest feeling. Expect ample time
devoted to the teachings of ACIM in conjunction with the movie.
We will pause the movie at some points to share ideas and bring light
to the topics at hand. Please settle in before hand with minimal distractions.

We accept and appreciate donations! This is a free gathering.
We use all donations toward our mission of bringing peace.

Venmo: Brian Theard @teachonlylove

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