Senators Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown are open borders zealots

6 months ago

Senators Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown are open borders zealots Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown were not concerned about illegal aliens entering our nation & spreading COVID-19 – no big deal! Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown weren’t concerned about school children being stuck at home during the COVID-19 plandemic, voted against options allowing kids to return to the classroom. I guess COVID-19 was a problem, eh? The least vulnerable group (children) was being used as pawns, Democrats wanted marginal kids to fail by opposing any measures to return them to the classroom. I guess COVID-19 was a big deal! “To prohibit the use of Federal funding for schools and early childhood development facilities that enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandates on children in order to protect the rights of parents to make medical decisions that affect their child.” Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown decided again that COVID-19 was a big deal & schools can hamstring the learning of children whose parents decided against injecting their children w/ an experimental cocktail.

In conclusion, Tester & Brown were in favor of schools requiring kids to be injected w/ an experimental cocktail, they were in favor of prohibiting in-school learning options for kids during the plandemic because COVID-19 was the harbinger of death, it was a big deal.

However, clamping down on illegal entries into this nation was not a good idea, I guess COVID-19 wasn’t a problem on the southern border.

The only conclusion is that Senators Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown intend to support 4 more years of open borders. They will likely lie to you about this, they’ll try to fool you into thinking they’re mavericks, that they’re independent, that they won’t do the bidding of Hakeem Jeffries or the overweight Kamala Harris – but if you reelect these clowns, if Democrats retain the Senate, if Democrats win the House & Kamala is in the WH, they want to give amnesty to ~10 million+ illegal aliens, period.

They will continue to support 4 more years of open borders. It is imperative that the GOP win one of those two Senate races, I would prefer winning both of them.

Send Jon Tester & Sherrod Brown packing in November! Thousands of illegal alien migrants (not meritorious immigration, as we’ve been practicing for a very long time ) are coming to your rural community if these two clowns win. Sherrod Brown retreats hastily when asked about whether he’ll continue to support open borders & Kamala Harris’ “performance” as “border czar.”

Tester & Brown are lying to you, they support open borders & amnesty, they just don’t want you to know until they’re safely re-elected for another 6 years. Let’s take out the trash in November!

Your local schools will be inundated w/ illegal aliens, your hospitals will be overwhelmed & you will pay for low-income housing. Say goodbye to your Social Security.

You think these illegals will be dumped in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Steph Curry's gated communities? Nope, they will be dumped on your doorstep. Your quiet, safe, rural community & suburban community will be ruined. They want to turn the entire U.S. into New York City & California. Please, do not let them do that!

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