Brian Tyler Cohen's "Blue County Murder Problem" begins its U.S. Tour

6 months ago

Brian Tyler Cohen has a "Blue County Murder Problem"* in Iowa, Washington, California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Montana, Kansas, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Texas, New York & Oregon.

*With a special appearance by "Black on Black Murder"

I never know when to quit, do I? Let’s continue hammering Brian Tyler Cohen & his phony “Red State Murder Problem”, which is actually a Blue County & Black on Black Murder Problem.

Iowa Again, I will be fudging my normal 60% or better mark & bet looking at counties that are more diverse than the state of Iowa en masse and/or counties that vote Dumocrat.

The counties in Iowa that tend to lean toward “the left hand side” (as the Salty Cracker would say) are: Black Hawk, Johnson, Linn, Polk, Scott & Story. Linn & Scott are turning into swing counties (I basically go back two POTUS elections & look at all statewide races since then to make my conclusion) & Black Hawk might be going that way as well, stay tuned kids.

Iowa has trended more towards the GOP over the past decade because we aren’t fans of male pedophiles dressing w/ little girls, we have a low murder rate & law-abiding folks need firearms to defend themselves from drug-addled hood rats.

Iowa population 2016-2023 = 25,371,677

Black Hawk, Johnson, Linn, Polk, Scott & Story counties 2016-2023 population = 10,185,278 Black Hawk, Johnson, Linn, Polk, Scott & Story counties 2016-23 murders = 353 & a murder rate of 3.465 per 100,000.

As is the case w/ most counties, it’s one city (e.g. Waterloo in Black Hawk, Des Moines in Polk & Cedar Rapids in Linn Co.) inside it causing the majority of the problems (Murder is not a problem in Johnson County, but it is the hub for crazy town in Iowa) & it’s likely a few neighborhoods in the city. Fort Dodge has morphed from uber-Democrat to lean-GOP over the last 8 years & Webster County usually votes Republican. The murder issues in that county are courtesy of Fort Dodge, period. Iowa State Data gives Iowa 608 murders 2016-2023 = a murder rate of 2.396 per 100,000. Using Iowa State Data, the murder rate OUTSIDE of those counties from 2016-23 = 1.679 per 100,000. Murder is not a problem in Iowa, it barely moves the needle in those 93 counties. From 2016-2023 of the 721 murder offenders where race is known, 50.2% (362) of them were Black. Of 598 victims where race is known, 41.3% (247) of them were Black. FBI data gives Iowa 722 murders from 2013-22 (doing a ten-year period to make it easy) & a murder rate of 2.08 per 100,000. Here are the demographics of murder in Iowa 2013-22: Of 770 offenders where we know their race, 45.32% (349) of them were Black & of the 686 victims where we know their race, 38.92% (267) of them were Black. Iowa is ~4.1% Black.

Iowa is a very safe place, but the places where it does get choppy from time-to-time are either Democrat-leaning counties or lean Democrat that have turned into swing counties & they feature a lot of black-on-black murder. Byron Tyler Cohen cannot claim to be stupid anymore or say, “Uh Derp, I took their word for it,” even he knows he’s wrong. If he continues to lie, that makes him a sociopath. Let’s do Wisconsin next! I’ll focus on countywide data for certain entities first (2019 & on only) & then arrest demographics. I might give you some WIBRS data for Milwaukee City just for kicks because I’m NOT going to add up numerous entities in Milwaukee County.

The counties we’re going to focus on are (and again, fudging my 60% or better threshold a bit): Ashland, Bayfield, Dane, Douglas, Eau Claire, Iowa, La Crosse, Menominee & Milwaukee. Those are some of the more Democrat-leaning or Democrat-dominated counties in WI looking at recent statewide elections. If I only include those that hit 60%, the results would be worse for the Dums, so I’m helping the vanilla midget Byron Tyler Cornhole out.

Ashland, Bayfield, Dane, Douglas, Eau Claire, Iowa, La Crosse, Menominee & Milwaukee County population 2019-2023 = 9,012,506

Ashland, Bayfield, Dane, Douglas, Eau Claire, Iowa, La Crosse, Menominee & Milwaukee County murders 2019-2023 = 978 & a murder rate of 10.851 per 100,000.

Since I am only doing counties, I won’t include Kenosha City, which is a lean Democrat city inside a lean Republican county. The vast majority of the problems in that group of counties is of course Milwaukee County & its main antagonist is Milwaukee City, where black on black murder is very common. #facts

Wisconsin population 2019-23 = 29,397,623

Wisconsin murders 2019-23 = 1,402 & that’s a murder rate of 4.769 per 100,000.

Murder rate in Wisconsin (2019-23) OUTSIDE of Ashland, Bayfield, Dane, Douglas, Eau Claire, Iowa, La Crosse, Menominee & Milwaukee counties (population is 20,385,117 & 424 murders) = 2.079 per 100,000.

Looks like the murder issues in Badger Land are restricted to areas that are dominant or lean Democrat. Surprise!

Arrest Demographics (2019-23) for Murder/non-negligent manslaughter in Wisconsin (State Data) indicate that of the 953 arrestees where we know the race, (556) 58.34% of them were Black. Also note that “White” includes “Hispanic” arrestees, they do NOT collect arrestee ethnicity. FBI data (2013-22) gives Wisconsin 2,304 murders, (population = 58,106,107) a rate of 3.965 per 100,000. FBI Data (2013-22, NIBRS) for Wisconsin gives us 2,412 murder offenders where we know the race & 72.01% (1,737) of those were Black. Of the 2,003 murder victims where we know the race, 65.8% (1,318) of those victims were Black.

Wisconsin is only 6.7% Black

Pipsqueak Byron Tyler Cohort’s cut-and-paste “hypothesis” is not looking good. How about Michigan?

Here are the Democrat-leaning & Democrat dominant counties (some may be close to being categorized as “swing”) we’ll cover: Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, Kalamazoo, Kent, Marquette, Muskegon, Oakland, Saginaw, Washtenaw & Wayne.

Michigan population 2013-2022 (2023 report not out yet) = 99,818,314

2013-22 population for Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, Kalamazoo, Kent, Marquette, Muskegon, Oakland, Saginaw, Washtenaw & Wayne counties = 55,325,582

MI State Data indicates 5,758 murders 2013-22, a murder rate of 5.768 per 100,000.

[NOTE: The reason the MI total is much lower than the FBI total is the MI data is “frozen” too early & many agencies have not fully reported. Stupid idea if you ask me, but it is what it is. That’s likely a reason “crime is down” when in fact it remains much higher than the 4 years before the Fentanyl Floyd riots]

MI State Data (2013-2022) gives Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, Kalamazoo, Kent, Marquette, Muskegon, Oakland, Saginaw, Washtenaw & Wayne counties 4,852 murders, a murder rate of 8.769 per 100,000.

According to MI State Data, the murder rate OUTSIDE OF the counties above (2013-22) = 2.036 per 100,000.

Again, the murder problems in Michigan are restricted to lean-Democrat & dominant Democrat counties, as well as the victims & offenders being disproportionately Black.

According to MI State Data (2013-22), of the 2,889 persons ARRESTED for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, 74.76% (2,160) of them were Black. I excluded “unknown” in those totals.

According to the FBI (2013-22), MI had 6,276 murders, which is a murder rate of 6.287 per 100,000. According to the FBI (2013-22), of the 6,061 murder offenders where we know the race, 74.06% (4,489) of them were Black. Of the 6,077 murder victims where we know the race, 71.53% (4,347) of the victims were Black. Look up “disproportionate” in the dictionary. MI is only 14.1% Black.

Everything’s bigger in Texas, including the murder rates in counties run by Pedocrats, I mean Democrats.

Here’s the lean-Pedocrat & dominant Pedocrat counties I’ll be tabulating (using statewide elections since 2016): Bexar, Brooks, Cameron, Culberson, Dallas, Dimmit, Duval, El Paso, Fort Bend, Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Travis, Webb, Willacy, Zapata & Zavala.

Texas population 2013-2023 = 313,988,779

Bexar, Brooks, Cameron, Culberson, Dallas, Dimmit, Duval, El Paso, Fort Bend, Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Travis, Webb, Willacy, Zapata & Zavala county population 2013-2023 = 154,700,642

(TX State Data) Bexar, Brooks, Cameron, Culberson, Dallas, Dimmit, Duval, El Paso, Fort Bend, Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Travis, Webb, Willacy, Zapata & Zavala murders 2013-23 = 10,848 & that’s a murder rate of 7.012 per 100,000.

Texas murders (TX State Data) 2013-23 = 17,274 & that is a murder rate of 5.501 per 100,000.

(TX State Data 2013-23) Murder rate in TX OUTSIDE OF Bexar, Brooks, Cameron, Culberson, Dallas, Dimmit, Duval, El Paso, Fort Bend, Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Travis, Webb, Willacy, Zapata & Zavala counties = 4.034 per 100,000.

Again, the most violent counties in TX skew toward the party of Lenin & Male Pedophiles in the little girls’ locker room. Surprised? From 2013-2023 of the 11,664 murder offenders where we know the race, 50.24% (5,860) of those offenders were Black. During the same time frame, of the 9,825 murder victims where we know their race, 42.5% (4,176) of those victims were Black.

[NOTE: “White” includes “Hispanic” people, you have to go to “Ethnicity” to separate those two. Essentially, 13% of TX’s population is committing half the murders, the other 87% is committing the other half] FBI (2013-22) gives TX 15,335 murders & that’s a rate of 5.409 per 100,000. From 2013-22, the FBI has 9,234 murder offenders where we know the race & 50.59% (4,672) of those offenders were Black. Of the 7,892 murder victims where we know the race, 43.04% (3,397) of those murdered in TX were Black. The Lone Star State is only ~12.9% Black. (Download “Crime Index” for the year(s) you want to look at) How about Kansas? Here are the lean Democrat (looking at all statewide races since 2016, Shawnee is likely a swing county now, but will be included) & dominant Democrat counties I’ll cover: Douglas, Johnson, Riley, Shawnee & Wyandotte.

Kansas statewide population 2013-23 = 32,099,976

Douglas, Johnson, Riley, Shawnee & Wyandotte 2013-23 population = 12,623,171

KS State Data gives the Sunflower State 1,644 murders 2013-23, which is a murder rate of 5.121 per 100,000. KS is a bit more violent than most people think, including myself before I delved into these numbers.

KS State Data says 769 murders for Douglas, Johnson, Riley, Shawnee & Wyandotte counties 2013-23. That’s a murder rate of 6.091 per 100,000. Most of it is Shawnee & Wyandotte, the other counties help them out a bit, but you can see it’s the Dummycrat-leaning counties doing the lion’s share of the homicide in KS. 2013-23 is a large time frame, so it dilutes years that are outliers.

Murder rate in KS OUTSIDE of Douglas, Johnson, Riley, Shawnee & Wyandotte counties 2013-23 = 4.492 per 100,000. FBI data (2013-22) says 1,194 murders in KS, a murder rate of 4.094 per 100,000. Quite a massive difference from State Data. I would wager they’re lumping some negligent manslaughters in there; it is what it is. Kansas’ state totals are usually much higher than what the FBI is reporting. FBI says 1,167 murder offenders where we know the race & 37.87% (442) of them were Black. Of the 916 murder victims in KS where we know the race of the victim, 28.71% (263) of them were Black.

Kansas has no useful state data that I could find on arrests or murder offender demographics. KS is only 6.1% Black. How about Montana?

Looking at statewide elections in Big Sky Country since 2016, here are the lean-Democrat & dominant Democrat counties I’ll examine: Big Horn, Blaine, Deer Lodge, Gallatin, Glacier, Missoula & Silver Bow.

MT 2014-23 population = 10,721,428

Big Horn, Blaine, Deer Lodge, Gallatin, Glacier, Missoula & Silver Bow 2014-23 population = 3,092,768

MT (State Data) murders 2014-23 = 426, a murder rate of 3.973 per 100,000.

[NOTE: Looking at some of the PDFs for many years ago, I’ve concluded that State Data pre-2014 is suspect, so I will begin at 2014]

MT State Data: 2014-23 murders for Big Horn, Blaine, Deer Lodge, Gallatin, Glacier, Missoula & Silver Bow counties = 83 & that’s a murder rate of 2.683 per 100,000. That’s actually lower than the statewide average, believe it or not.

Murder rate in MT OUTSIDE of Big Horn, Blaine, Deer Lodge, Gallatin, Glacier, Missoula & Silver Bow counties (2014-23) was 4.496 per 100,000.

(MT State Data) From 2014-23 of the 410 murder VICTIMS where we know the race, 3.65% (15) were Black. MT is only 0.6% Black & 6.7% AI/AN. MT State Data had squat when it comes to arrestees or the demographics of murder offenders.

FBI says 386 murders in MT (2013-22), a rate of 3.64 per 100,000. FBI says from 2013-22 of the 359 murder offenders where we know the race, 2.78% (10) were Black & (79) 22% of them were AI/AN. Pertaining to murder victims, of the 337 where the race is known, 4.15% (14) were Black & 16.02% (54) were AI/AN. How about California?

Here are the Democrat-leaning & Democrat dominant (looking at statewide elections since 2016, excluding the recall of 2021 & the 2018 Senate election as it was two Groomers against each other) counties I’ll cover: Alameda, Alpine, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Imperial, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Benito, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Sonoma, Ventura & Yolo.

California 2013-23 population = 429,964,310

Alameda, Alpine, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Imperial, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Benito, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Sonoma, Ventura & Yolo 2013-23 population = 280,659,971

California (State Data) murders 2013-23 = 21,141 & that’s a murder rate of 4.916 per 100,000

(CA State Data) Alameda, Alpine, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Imperial, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Benito, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Sonoma, Ventura & Yolo 2013-23 murders = 13,986 & a murder rate of 4.983 per 100,000.

Murder rate OUTSIDE of Alameda, Alpine, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Imperial, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Benito, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Sonoma, Ventura & Yolo counties = 4.792 per 100,000.

(CA State Data) Of the 14,565 persons arrested (remember, you can “clear” a murder & not make an arrest & just because you have an arrest for murder doesn’t mean a conviction for murder) for murder 2013-23, 30.27% (4,409) of them were Black. CA is only 6.5% Black & 39.4% Hispanic. ~85% of the arrestees for murder in CA are Black or Hispanic. FBI Data (2021-2022, not much data) indicates that 1,086 murder OFFENDERS where we know the race & (283) 26.05% of them were Black. Of the 1,004 murder VICTIMS where we know the race, (226) 22.5% were Black. FBI (2013-22) gives CA 19,276 murders & a murder rate of 4.929 per 100,000 Let us wrap up this edition w/ North Carolina. State Data will be for 2013-22 only, the 2023 report is NOT out yet.

NOTE: I am assuming (and we’ll compare w/ FBI) that “murder” in the NC data does NOT include negligent manslaughter.

The Democrat-leaning & Democrat-dominated counties we’ll cover are (using statewide elections since 2016 as my yardstick): Anson, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hoke, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga & Wilson.

NC 2013-22 population = 113,638,604 NC (State Data) 2013-22 murders = 6,729 & that’s a rate of 5.921 per 100,000

2013-22 population for Anson, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hoke, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga & Wilson counties = 53,173,416

2013-22 murders Anson, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hoke, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga & Wilson counties = 3,649 & that’s a rate of 6.862 per 100,000.

NC 2013-22 murder rate (state data) OUTSIDE OF Anson, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hoke, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga & Wilson counties = 5.093 per 100,000. NC State Data (2018-22) says of the 2,910 ARRESTEES for Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter (there was no “unknown” category) 70.85% (2,062) of them were “Black.” This is pretty close to the FBI data on offenders. Pertaining to Anson, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford, Hoke, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga & Wilson counties – there were 1,547 murder arrestees (2018-22) & 82.28% (1,273) were Black. Again, there was no “unknown” category. Granted, the Black population in those counties is much higher than NC en masse, just making a point. Lots of Black-on-Black murder in those counties. Disproportionate is the word you’re thinking of. FBI (2013-22) gives NC 6,714 murders, which is a rate of 5.908 per 100,000. Very close to state data, that’s good news! FBI (2018-22 only) has 3,475 murder offenders where we know the race & 71.42% (2,482) of them were Black. Of the 3,162 murder VICTIMS where we know the race, 65.27% (2,064) of them were Black. NC is only 22.2% Black Can you say disproportionate? NC has a high murder rate relative to the national average & 22% of the population is committing almost three-quarters of the murders. How about Washington State?

Here are the Demoncrat-leaning & Demoncrat-dominant counties (using statewide elections since 2016 as my yardstick) I’ll be tabulating: Clark, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom, & Whitman.

Washington State Population 2013-23 = 82,083,249

Clark, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom, & Whitman counties population 2013-23 = 58,825,861

WA (State Data) State murders 2013-23 = 2,817 – a murder rate of 3.431 per 100,000.

[NOTE: When perusing their data, make sure you look at the section on “Murder”, tally those victims. The next section is “Manslaughter,” defined as “The killing of another person caused by negligence.” You do NOT add that to the total. There is another section that is removed in later versions that says, “This chart includes both NIBRS and Summary Reporting data.” It will differ from the “Offenses Reported” for Murder. The chart that includes the NIBRS & Summary Data is much closer to FBI totals, I used that one]

(State Data) Clark, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom, & Whitman counties 1,757 murders 2013-23 = a murder rate of 2.986 per 100,000.

(State Data) Washington State Murder Rate OUTSIDE (2013-23) of Clark, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom, & Whitman counties = 4.557 per 100,000. HIGHER than the Democrat-prone areas, but still low relative to the national average. FBI gives WA state 2,444 murders 2013-22, which is a murder rate of 3.29 per 100,000 FBI (2013-22) says 2,496 murder OFFENDERS, 27.56% (688) of them in Washington State were Black. Of the 2,124 murder VICTIMS, 22.36% (475) of them were Black. WA State is only 4.4% Black. Oregon State Data is unfortunately restricted to 2019-23. The interactive data was only for 2020 & on & I attempted to squeeze another year into it (see the previous link), but their murder numbers were not jiving w/ the FBI, it was not even close.

Here are the pedocrat-leaning & Democrat-dominant counties (statewide elections since 2016) we’ll be looking at: Benton, Clatsop, Hood River, Lane, Lincoln, Multnomah & Washington. Democrats do well in Oregon because of their performance in a few counties, there are lots of rural counties (and people are fleeing) where Democrats do not do well.

OR population 2020-23 = 16,966,481

Benton, Clatsop, Hood River, Lane, Lincoln, Multnomah & Washington county population 2020-23 = 7,988,708

(OR State Data) Benton, Clatsop, Hood River, Lane, Lincoln, Multnomah & Washington county murders 2020-23 = 458 & that’s a rate of 5.733 per 100,000 – significantly higher than the statewide rate.

OR State Data gives it 728 murders 2020-23, which is a rate of 4.29 per 100,000.

Murder rate in OR OUTSIDE of (2020-23) Benton, Clatsop, Hood River, Lane, Lincoln, Multnomah & Washington counties = 3.007 per 100,000. OR State Data indicates 358 ARRESTEES (2020-23) for Murder (where we know the race and/or ethnicity), 19.27% (69) were Black & 17.03% (61) were Hispanic/Latino. OR State Data (2020-23) indicates that of the 703 MURDER VICTIMS where we know their race and/or Ethnicity, 22.75% (160) of them were Black & 12.09% (85) were Hispanic/Latino. FBI gives Oregon 1,221 murders 2013-22, which is a rate of (population = 41,267,851) 2.958 per 100,000. You can see the 2020-23 time frame is much higher. The FBI (2013-22) says OR had 1,025 murder OFFENDERS where we know the race, 19.02% (195) were Black. 275 OFFENDERS where we know the ethnicity (you can do this yourself w/ FBI stats), & 34.9% (96) were Hispanic/Latino. Of the 1,020 VICTIMS where we know the race, 17.94% (183) of them were Black. Of the 350 VICTIMS where we know Ethnicity, 33.14% (116) were Hispanic. Essentially, ~16% of OR’s population is committing 53% of the murders.

Oregon is only 2.2% Black & 13.4% Hispanic/Latino. How about New York State? We’ll be examining 2013-23 pertaining to State Data.

Here are the Empire State counties that lean towards the party of male pedophiles in the women’s restroom (Sam Seder supports predators “changing” their gender & hanging out w/ little girls while they dress) or are dominant-Democrat (again, using statewide elections since 2016): Albany, Bronx, Columbia, Erie, Kings, Monroe, New York, Onondaga, Queens, Rockland, Schenectady, Tompkins, Ulster & Westchester.

NY Statewide population 2013-23 = 216,438,336

NY State Data credits it with 7,357 murders 2013-23, which is a murder rate of 3.399 per 100,000

[NOTE: They had no state total tally for 2023, so I had to go through & add all counties for 2023 to get that total. I had to use (per a note) NYC PD data to get their 2023 murder/non-negligent manslaughter total. New York State had 640 murders in 2023, according to my count. When tabulating the lean-Pedocrat areas, I used this to subtract Richmond County (19 murders in 2023) from the NYC total. NYC had 391 murders in 2023, the 4 counties dominated by Pedocrats had 372 murders]

2013-23 population for Albany, Bronx, Columbia, Erie, Kings, Monroe, New York, Onondaga, Queens, Rockland, Schenectady, Tompkins, Ulster & Westchester = 134,415,119

(NY State Data) 2013-23 murders for Albany, Bronx, Columbia, Erie, Kings, Monroe, New York, Onondaga, Queens, Rockland, Schenectady, Tompkins, Ulster & Westchester counties = 5,843 & that is a murder rate of 4.346 per 100,000.

Murder rate in NY (2013-23) OUTSIDE OF Albany, Bronx, Columbia, Erie, Kings, Monroe, New York, Onondaga, Queens, Rockland, Schenectady, Tompkins, Ulster & Westchester counties = 1.845 per 100,000 (population = 82,023,217 & 1,514 murders). FBI (2013-22) gives NY State 6,641 murders, which is a murder rate of 3.373 per 100,000 According to the FBI (data for 2019-22 only) of the 442 murder OFFENDERS in NY State where we know the race, 69.9% (309) were Black. Of the 517 murder VICTIMS where we know the race, 70.98% (367) of them were Black. New York State is only 17.6% Black. Pennsylvania is last, I promise!

Here are the Democrat-leaning & Democrat-dominant counties we’ll cover, using statewide elections since 2016. The years covered using state data will be 2013-23: Allegheny, Bucks, Centre, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery & Philadelphia.

PA statewide population 2013-23 = 141,472,451

2013-23 population in Allegheny, Bucks, Centre, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery & Philadelphia = 72,140,310

PA murders (2013-23, state data) = 8,661 & that’s a murder rate of 6.122 per 100,000

(PA State Data) 2013-23 murders in Allegheny, Bucks, Centre, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery & Philadelphia = 6,555 & that’s a staggering rate of 9.086 per 100,000.

[NOTE: The two links above for PA data had the exact same number of murder/non-negligent manslaughter statewide, that is a good sign]

(state data 2013-23) PA Murder rate OUTSIDE OF in Allegheny, Bucks, Centre, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery & Philadelphia (population 69,332,141 & 2,106 murders) = 3.037 per 100,000 From 2013-23 in the

Keystone State, there were 911 ARRESTEES (known race) for Murder/non-negligent manslaughter & 71.89% (655) of them were Black. Of the 686 arrestees where we know the Ethnicity, 11.66% (80) were Hispanic/Latino. Keep in mind, PA is a high murder rate state, not a low one like Iowa where 4.1% of the population is committing 50% of the murders. From 2013-23 of the 1,427 murder OFFENDERS where we know the race, 69.86% (997) of them were Black. 1,070 OFFENDERS where we know the Ethnicity, 11.02% (118) were Hispanic/Latino. From 2013-23 of the 1,875 murder VICTIMS where we know the race, 68.69% (1,288) of them were Black & of the 1,440 VICTIMS where we know the Ethnicity, 15.13% (218) of them were Hispanic/Latino.

I don’t have the option of segregating those Democrat-leaning/Democrat-dominate areas by County to see murder victims & offenders by race, I guarantee it would make your eyes explode. Essentially, 12% of PA is committing 70% of the murders & 20% of PA is committing 80% of the murders.

PA is only 12% Black & 7.8% Hispanic.

FBI (2013-22) gives PA a tally of 7,878 murders, which is a rate of 6.13 per 100,000.

FBI data indicates that (2013-22, not a lot of agencies have been reporting for a long time in PA) of the 898 murder OFFENDERS where we know the race, 71.38% (641) of them were Black. Of the 1,271 murder VICTIMS where we know the race, 70.57% (897) of them were Black.

*** FBI (2013-22) gives the U.S. en masse 177,378 murders (population = 3,254,569,096) & that’s a murder rate of 5.45 per 100,000.

From 2009-2019, the FBI gives the U.S. 171,754 murders (population = 3,808,010,357) & a murder rate of 4.510 per 100,000. Just for comparison to all the data above.

Brian Tyler Cohen was an idiot, but I’ve informed him that his so-called “Red State Murder Problem” is actually a “Blue County Murder Problem” & a “Black on Black Murder Problem.” He can no longer claim ignorance, if the vanilla midget repeats this again, he will be lying. If you find this worthy, pass it along!

That’s it for this essay kids, Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back (for now)!

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Any of Byron Taylor Cornhole's supporters want to joust w/ me on this? I'll be the lawnmower

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