20 days ago

The suppression of the information and the availability of Covid early treatment is a crime so intensely diabolical, that the adherents of the large scale suppression campaign are aiding in nothing less than Democidal Omnicide.

Think for a moment, If there were cheap over the counter therapeutics proven to boost the immune system and save lives at the first sign of covid infection, wouldn't it be imperative for everyone on the face of the Earth to have access to them?

The COVID shots were brought to market under emergency use authorization , which can only be ordered if there are no other safe and effective alternatives available. But there were many alternatives already available.

In January of 2021 The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance discovered that Ivermectin “probably reduces deaths by an average 83% compared to no ivermectin treatment” A more recent review and meta-analysis, found that ivermectin, when used preventatively, reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%.
In comparison the Vaccines are proving to be ineffective as hospitals in fully vaccinated countries are flooded with vaccinated covid patients. A new preprint study found the Pfizer vaccine was only 42% effective against infection in July, when the Delta variant was dominant. "If that's not a wakeup call, I don't know what is," a senior Biden official told Axios.
The wake up call should be to supply every American household with the Four Horseman as they are known. And to make them readily available in every drugstore known to mankind.
But Biden and his handlers have determined that the way forward is not prevention but subjugation to the Vaccine companies with zero liability raking in tens of billions of dollars while Biden's theater of incompetence fuels genocide. The Elites perfect silent weapon waging a quiet war upon humanity under the auspice of a Nazi level Eugenics 2.0 that no one will realize has decimated America until it is too late.

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