Kamala’s Border Wall Flip-Flop 🤦‍♀️: "No Wall! Wait, Maybe a Wall?"—Whatever Xi Says...

6 months ago

👉 Check out the full article: https://sunrisetosunset.substack.com/p/the-polls-america-is-being-fed-are

👉 Take action!

Is there anyone left in America who can keep up with Kamala’s flip-flops? First, it was "No Wall," but now she’s singing a different tune. What changed? Maybe she’s just following orders from Xi... or maybe she’s just that desperate to get elected.

No presidential candidate in history has ever behaved this way—flip-flopping on every major stance they’ve supported. If they had, they would have stood a 0% chance of being elected (before the 100+ methods of fraud put in place by the CCP, this was unthinkable behavior). Yet, Americans refuse to take action to stop it. Need proof of that statement? The fact that she’s acting like a child yet is still the Democratic presidential candidate. Steal 2.0 is well underway—it’s happening... Why? Because we haven’t acted. Act now or forever hold your peace.

👉 Check out the full article: https://sunrisetosunset.substack.com/p/the-polls-america-is-being-fed-are

👉 Take action! Act now

“Point of No Return: It’s Do Or Die Time!”


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