🔴 What is an Australian? Are all cultures Equal? Can we avoid a physical culture war? | The Ark E13

6 months ago

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⚓️ Episode 13 of the Ark Podcast hosted by independent Journalist & Commentator Joel Jammal.

This episodes guests include:
- Chris De Bruyne (journalist & content creator) - https://x.com/chriscoveries?s=21&t=zEXlDRCUSGtasWczVpC2eA
Damian Coory, Host of ‘The Other Side’ Show - https://x.com/OtherSideAus
Paul Vallejo, former Aerospace Engineer with NASA & expert on nuclear energy
Mouhi Sari, Business owner, family man - https://www.instagram.com/titansays?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

Click below to watch the full uncensored show:
🟢 Rumble - https://rumble.com/v5daw1x--what-is-an-australian-are-all-cultures-equal-can-we-avoid-a-physical-cultu.html
⚫ Twitter (X) - https://x.com/JoelJammal/status/1830434547617718538
📎 Telegram - https://t.me/realjoeljammal/1713


03:09 The ABC bias on multiculturalism
08:10 MultiRace vs Multiculture
16:44 How the Faith Leaders are turning woke and forgetting conservative values
21:35 Is Australia A Multicultural Country ?
24:34 Australian Values on Home Affairs
32:35 Candace Owens Tour in Australia compromised
30:20 Freedom Protests in Sydney
41:50 Are All Culture equal?
50:00 What can we learn from the UAE?
53:50 How did women vote change culture?
01:06:20 What is behind Equality?
01:09:20 Sharia Law
01:18:30 What if Australia became a majority Muslim
01:23:30 The Lobbyist’s Hijacking religion
01:33:43 What Does it mean to be Australian ? Men Mental Health
01:45:00 Emigrate Vs Immigrate, Illegal vs Legal Immigrants
01:49:00 An Undocumented Immigrant is not a criminal
01:51:00 Protest of illegal immigrants in Australia asking for permanent residency
01:56:15 Final Thoughts

*Disclaimer: Any comments made by the panelists are individually their own and the Ark or other presenters are not responsible for them.

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#TheArk #TheArkPodcast #joeljammal #Chriscoveries #chrisdebruyne #paulvallejeo #DamianCoory #Multiculturalism #australia #Muslims

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