Jesus was born on September 11th not December 25

1 month ago

Jesus was born on September 11th during the feast of trumpets in Bethlehem, that is why there was no room found in the inn, Joseph and Mary left Nazareth probably in the end of July and traveled all the way to Bethlehem, they had no cars at all and went by donkey which would have been slow and not a pleasant trip at all, Mary was 9 months pregnant and uncomfortable but they went and no room was found anywhere in Bethlehem and Jesus was born in a barn, He was not born on December 25 which is saturnalia and tammuz a pagan god birthday Ishtar and nimrod son, I do not think that Jesus or his disciples celebrated pagan holidays at all, and winter is cold in Israel so Joseph and Mary would not have wanted to stay in a Barn in the winter time, Satan hates Jesus a lot and Jesus will crush Satan and all who follow Satan and throw them in the lake of fire, then I saw the beast that lied to them thrown in the lake of fire along with the false prophet and everyone who worshipped the beast and got his mark were thrown in the lake of fire, Jesus is coming if you are ready or not

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