5 months ago

So sometimes is hard to know what is really happening when politicians are involved, and media. So Chief of police denies anyone is complaining of gang takeover, while Police staff told me they are getting NON STOP COMPLAINTS of such. THEN GOVERNOR is saying is not happening while the MAYOR is in fact having the city attorney file court documents to get emergency order to evict everyone in the building due to criminal nuisance!!! ALL the innocent to be evicted too!!! The local citizens said non profits are helping the illegals but not them who are endangered to even stay there. SO they will get help when the building is emptied but not the criminals who faces are seen some of them on the security cameras showing up violently breaking in etc. So They are planning to empty the buildings then sit back and watch them refill them once they empty them of people who are innocent being terrorized. THE POLICE staff getting non stop complaints as you hear in this video....the court document saying is emergency so much so they need to empty the buildings yet the media says the state is on stand by if they get request for help from the local officials!! NO they dont want help they want to evict the residents so they can have emptied buildings to fill back up!! THIS is tyranny!! I think the whole claiming people are en route to help is to deter other groups from standing up to help. PEOPLE need to go help. PROTEST and demand the mayor, the CHIEF who is lying, the Governor who is lying is aiding and abetting criminals to get legal residents out.

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