Uncovering the Secrets of Tiger Sharks_ Ocean's Garbage Disposal

6 months ago

Tiger Shark The Ocean's Garbage Disposal Our exploration takes us to the tropical and temperate waters around the world where we encounter a shark with a fearsome reputation and an unquenchable appetite the tiger shark scientifically known as Galeocerdo cuvier The tiger shark is easily recognizable with its distinctive dark vertical stripes that adorn its body reminiscent of a tiger's markings Tiger sharks are large and powerful predators reaching lengths of up to 16 feet and weighing over one thousand four hundred pounds True to their name tiger sharks are opportunistic and voracious eaters consuming almost anything they can find Their diet includes fish turtles birds seals dolphins and even other sharks They have even been known to scavenge carrion and human refuse earning them the nickname garbage disposals of the sea __silence Female tiger sharks are oviviparous meaning they give birth to live young that hatch from eggs inside the mother's body __silence Tiger sharks are considered one of the most dangerous sharks to humans and they have been involved in a significant number of attacks It's important to remember that tiger sharks are wild animals driven by instinct and survival

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