Refuse Being Deceived Falling Away 31 Aug. '24

5 months ago

Wailing Wall is NOT part of the old Temple; When shall these things be?; What shall be the sign of the coming Messiah?; When is the End of the World?; Take Heed that NO Man deceive YOU?; Anti-messiah IS Coming!; So many problems, yet the End is not yet, and all these are the beginning of sorrows; trouble IS coming against you and many will be deceived; sin of iniquity love of many shall wax cold; Endure to the End shall be saved; Sodomite priest in Temple "The Abomination of Desolation" in the Holy Place; Woe those at this time having babies and children; Pray that this don't happen in Winter or on the Sabbath Day; You WILL be here during the Great Tribulation!; Days shorten so lives will be left of the Elect; Immediately after the Tribulation, sun & moon will be darkened & many things will be changed in heavens; and THEN Messiah WILL be here & ALL shall see Him, then we will be caught up, NO Rapture!; Yahweh's Word will NOT change!; Days will be like unto Days of Noah; Remain Faithful being ready doing His work; Many Pastors preachers will go to the Lake of Fire with hypocrites; Matt. 24

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