5 months ago

Originally aired 8/31/24. Last episode we finished looking at Rev ch 20, and discussed Jesus’s 1,000 year Reign over the survivors of the Tribulation, and the subsequent generations born to them.

There was little description of that 1,000 years within Revelation itself, but we read through several Old Testament descriptions concerning what that time will be like.

We can conclude that the reason the OLD Testament offers so many descriptions is because this 1,000 year period is largely to fulfill God’s promise to ISRAEL that they will live in a Holy Kingdom one day under the cover of the Messiah, and that the whole world would honor them for that 1,000 years.

Let’s review those last Rev 20 verses:

We see here the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT, when the dead are resurrected at the end of the Millennium and brought before Jesus for judgment. And so EVERY MAN who had ever died is Judged out of the Lamb’s Book of LIFE.
Several Old Testament Prophecies also describe the Resurrection of the Just and unjust, and their final punishment:

Here we have descriptions of both the resurrection of the JUST and of the UNJUST, and their Judgment. And although the RIGHTEOUS will shine like the stars, the UNJUST will be banished to eternal punishment.
We also see that there is a CURSE of BLOOD on the earth. We understand that the earth has had to swallow up the blood of murder ever since Cain Killed Abel, and that this is a great curse awaiting Justice beginning in Gen 4:10.

We see that at this Great White Throne Judgment, whoever had not already been resurrected—perhaps some will have died during the Millennial reign, and the others will have died in rebellion at any time before the millennial reign, and had not been resurrected in FAITH.

These all will be judged out of the Lamb’s book of life, mentioned also in Phil:
Phl 4:3 And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.

There appear to be several books that God keeps, and the LAMB’s book of life contains the names of all those who have received Salvation through faith in the Messiah. Others may have responded to God’s revelation of Himself, though they may never have heard the name Jesus.

North Park Christian School:

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